Planning proposal to align SWR building heights with community wishes

Published on 20 November 2023

South West Rocks panorama

South West Rocks building heights are being tweaked in a planning proposal to apply height limits to some properties that did not previously have a building height attached to them.

The planning proposal, on exhibition until 15 December 2023, proposes a change to the Kempsey Local Environment Plan (KLEP) to implement building heights for the selected properties of 8.5m or 11m. 

This change applies appropriate building height limits, ensuring that any future development on those sites will be aligned with both community expectations, and the South West Rocks Structure Plan(PDF, 14MB).

Like many coastal towns, South West Rocks is an idyllic and well-loved coastal town that is under pressure to absorb growing demand for housing.

It is anticipated that South West Rocks will cater for most of the projected population and housing growth over the next 20 years for the Kempsey Shire.

As a result, the existing character and natural beauty which attracted people there in the first place can easily be lost due to increased traffic, urban growth, and inappropriate height of new buildings. 

The introduction of the proposed building heights complements the existing character of the South West Rocks area and ensures that Council and community values and expectations for their town are achieved.

The South West Rocks Building Heights Amendment planning proposal will be on exhibition until 15 December. Head to for more information.







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