Madeira vine

Madeira vine.png

Madeira vine (Anredera cordifolia)

This plant is a Weed of National Significance. It must not be sold anywhere in New South Wales.

How does this weed affect you?

Madeira vine grows very quickly. It can smother and kill plants from ground covers to tall trees. Because of the weight of its aerial tubers, Madeira vine is capable of causing branches and trees to fall.

The plant reduces the availability of food and habitat for native animals due to its rapid growth and can cause ill health to livestock if eaten. The vine is known to invade crops such as sugar cane.

Madeira vine is one of the invasive vines listed as a Key Threatening Process in New South Wales. It threatens three endangered species of plants and three Endangered Ecological Communities.

More information

For more information, download the NSW WeedWise app, head to or speak to a Council Weeds Officer on 6566 3200.