Coastal Management Program

Grassy Head Beach at sunset_Macleay Valley Coast.jpg


The Kempsey Coastal Management Program sets out the long-term strategy for the coordinated management of the Kempsey LGA coastal zones. The Coastal Management Program will help Kempsey Shire Council to identify, understand, prepare for and respond to the uncertainties of a changing coastal estuarine environment.

The Kempsey Coastal Management Program is part of a broader state-wide strategy for the coordinated management of the NSW coast

Coastal Management Programs identify coastal management issues and the actions required to address these issues in a strategic and integrated way. 


As a result of an amendment to the Coastal Management Act in 2016, local councils were required to prepare and submit their strategies for managing their coastal and estuary ecosystems to the NSW Government. The end result of this five-stage process will be a Coastal Management Program. As part of this process, councils are required to consult with the community and other stakeholders at each stage of the plan.

Stage One - complete

Stage one (2020) involved the preparation of new scoping studies for the Macleay River, Killick Creek, Korogoro Creek, and Saltwater Creek. Scoping studies involve:

  • A review of current estuary/waterway management arrangements and effectiveness.
  • Identification of key issues facing the estuary/waterway, including emerging issues such as new development pressures and climate change.
  • Engaging with community and stakeholders to get their input and feedback.

Community and stakeholder engagement for this stage included engagement via the ‘Your Say Macleay’ platform, as well as a survey, webinar-video, two information bulletins and media releases connected with each scoping study.  

Stage Two - complete

Stage two (2021) projects included:

  • Water Quality Assessment for Saltwater Creek and Lagoon
  • Hydrodynamic Processes Assessment for Saltwater Creek and Lagoon
  • Vegetation Mapping and Condition Assessment for Saltwater Creek
  • Estuary Entrance Management Studies and Plans for Back Creek, Saltwater Creek, Killick Creek, Korogoro Creek and miscellaneous entrances and outlets.

Stage two investigations (studies/reports) relevant to the Saltwater Creek estuary were primarily technical investigations limiting engagement to the scientific community and relevant State Government Agencies. 

Stage two estuary entrance management investigations (studies/plans) required significant community engagement, including Have Your Say page, three on-site workshops, media releases, and online survey.

Stage Three - complete

Stage three (2022) projects involved the:

  • Full Scale Risk Assessment
  • Coastal Management Plan Management Options Development
  • Open Coast Scoping Study for Kempsey Shire Coastal Management Program

Community engagement included the Your Say Macleay page, three face-to-face workshops, an online survey, and media releases.

Stage Four - current

Stage four (2023) brings all the previous work together into a single document: the Coastal Management Program. When the Program is compiled, it will be exhibited for public inspection and feedback for a minimum of 28 days, both in hardcopy form at the Council offices, and in a digital form on Your Say Macleay. The community will be able to give their feedback on the Program via an online survey, as well as drop-in briefing sessions. There will be accompanying social media posts, media release and information sent out via council newsletters.

Stage Five - upcoming

Stage five is the final step of the project, where the Coastal Management program will be implemented, monitored and evaluated.


How you can get involved 

To keep informed of Kempsey Shire Council's progress on the Coastal Management Program, subscribe to our council newsletter and follow our social media accounts. There have been opportunities to be involved at every step of the project, and community involvement will continue to be critical to the success of the Kempsey Coastal Management Program into the future.

What happens next? 

The Coastal Management Program is in progress, with work underway to complete the document. When it is complete, the community will be invited to view and provide feedback via our Your Say Macleay page. When the Coastal Management Program has been finalised after community exhibition and feedback, a final draft will be prepared for adoption by Council, and then submission to the Minister for certification.