Pandanus Trees


The iconic pandanus tree is found along the northern NSW coastline, and Kempsey Shire is fortunate to have this species at many beachside and headland locations.

In 2021, Council’s arborist noticed some pandanus trees were suffering from stress and dieback along the Crescent Head foreshore. Council sent samples to the NSW Royal Botanic Garden and NSW Department of Primary Industries to determine the definitive cause of the problem.

The results revealed the trees as well as the soil are infected with a natural pathogen called Phytopythium vexans, causing root rot in several trees. To treat and rehabilitate the area, unfortunately, Council will have to remove the infected trees as well as the soil.

Part of the Crescent Head Master Plan will be replanting these iconic species in suitable locations to make sure they remain healthy.

You can find out more by visiting Pandanus trees sadly infected with root rot