Community grants

Our Community Grants program offers grant funding to active community groups so they can deliver community-led projects in a wide variety of forms that benefit Kempsey Shire. 

Community Grants support the delivery of the objectives in Council's Community Strategic Plan and Arts & Culture Plan. If you have a vision for your community, then apply for project funding.

Available funding: 

The total grant pool for the 2024-25 program is $100,000 worth of funding. The maximum grant amounts per category are: 

  • Community Projects Fund: $30,000 

  • Environmental Levy Fund: $20,000

  • Sporting Fund: $20,000 

  • Creative Macleay Fund: $20,000 (NEW)  

In addition to this, there is also Micro Grant funding available: Up to $500 per applicant: 


  • Festive Micro Grant (Round 1): $4,000 
  • Seniors Festival Micro Grant (Round 1): $3,000 
  • NAIDOC Week Micro Grant (Round 2): $3,000 



Grant Guidelines:

Please carefully read the Community Grant guidelines before applying for any of the above categories

2024-2025 Community Grant Guidelines(PDF, 12MB)


Round 1 - Closed. Funding announced. 

Round 2 - Opens 4 February 2025. Closes 12 March 2025. Funding announced end of April 2025.

Need advice, more information or support? 

For help with community grants, please contact Council’s Community Development team on 6566 3200 or email Council staff can provide advice on your application. 

Council staff have outlined the grant writing process in a short video. Watch below. 


Frequently asked questions

How much funding is available for the 2024-2025 Community Grants Program categories?

The total amount of funding available for the 2024-2025 Community Grants program is $100,000 set out over the following categories:

  • Community Projects Fund: $30,000
  • Environmental Levy Fund: $20,000
  • Sporting Fund: $20,000
  • Creative Macleay Fund: $20,000 (NEW) 
  • In addition to this, there is also Micro Grant funding available: Up to $500 per applicant:

  • Festive Micro Grant (Round 1): $4,000
  • Seniors Festival Micro Grant (Round 1): $3,000
  • NAIDOC Week Micro Grant (Round 2): $3,000

For more information on these funding streams and their objectives, please read the Community Grant Guidelines.(PDF, 12MB)

What does the group I represent need to have in place to apply?

The main requirement is that the group needs to be a registered not-for-profit with an Australian ABN and Public Liability Insurance. Other eligibility criteria are outlined in the Community Grant Guidelines(PDF, 12MB)

What if our group is not a registered not-for-profit, can we still apply?

Yes, but you need to be auspiced (sponsored) by a group that is a registered not-for-profit. For more information about auspicing please refer to the Community Grant Guidelines.(PDF, 12MB)

How does a group apply?

Applications are made through an online application website called SmartyGrants. To apply you will need a computer with internet access. Once the application period opens go to:

What do I do if I do not have a computer?

Council’s libraries have computers with internet access. Make sure you call Kempsey Library beforehand on 6566 3210. Please note the library staff can assist you in accessing the computer but cannot assist you with your application.

Is there any way I can get some advice on the new grant program and how to submit an application?

For handy tips on how to submit a strong application, watch this video:

If you are still unsure, or need further assistance, please contact our Community Development 6566 3200 or via email to

Outputs vs outcomes: How to address them in your grant application

In your grant application, we encourage you to focus on the short- and medium-term outcomes your project intends to achieve. While long-term outcomes are important, we want to understand the immediate and near-future benefits your project or activity is expected to bring to the community.

What are outputs? (What you will do)

Outputs are the things your project will create or deliver. These are specific activities or events that will happen as part of your project, and they can be counted or measured.

How to describe them: Think about the things your project will produce or deliver right away.

Examples of outputs:

· "We will run 4 community art workshops."

· "We will plant 100 native trees in the park."

· "We will hold a music festival for 300 people."

What are outcomes? (What will happen because of your project)

Outcomes are the positive changes or benefits that will happen as a result of your project. These changes can be short-term, medium-term, or long-term.

How to describe them: Think about the improvements or benefits your project will bring to people or the community.

· Short-term outcomes happen immediately or shortly after your project ends, within a few weeks or months.

· Medium-term outcomes may take a few months to a year or so to appear.

· Long-term outcomes (over a period of years) won’t happen right away, but your project helps contribute to these bigger, long-term changes. Your project won’t create these changes on its own, but it will help support them.

Examples - Outcomes

Short-term outcomes

These outcomes happen immediately or shortly after your project ends, within a few weeks or months.

· "Participants will feel more connected after the community art workshops."

· "The park will look nicer after we plant the trees."

· "People who attend the festival will feel a sense of celebration and community."

Medium-term outcomes

These outcomes take a bit longer to appear—anywhere from a couple of months to a year or so.

· "The skills learned in the workshops will help participants create their own art projects."

· "More people will spend time in the park, improving their health and wellbeing."

· "Participants will keep working on creative projects, building confidence and local arts capacity."

Long-term outcomes

These outcomes take the longest to achieve, usually several years or more.

· "The workshops will help build a stronger arts scene over time, leading to more arts events."

· "The park will become a popular space for community events and outdoor activities."

· "The festival will become a key event, bringing more people together each year.

Example of outputs and outcomes together



"We will run 4 community art workshops for 50 people."


· Short-term: "Participants will learn new skills and meet others in the community."

· Medium-term: "Participants will feel more confident in their creative abilities and may start their own art projects."

· Long-term: "The workshops will help strengthen the local arts scene over time, but this will happen alongside other community efforts."

Example - Budget

Example budget, including in-kind contributions:

How much funding are you requesting for your project?


What is the co-contribution amount for your project?


Total Income: $5996.20


$ Amount

Purchase laptop for workshops


Hire of venue for workshops


In-kind voluntary labour (60 hours total for 10 workshops @ $43.27)


Funding through XX partner agency to cover catering (40 participants @ $15 per head)


Promotion and printing of flyers covered by XX (the applying organisation)


Total Expenditure: $5996.20

*Ensure your income matches your expenditure*

An organisations contribution may be financial, in-kind materials and/or volunteer labour. For projects that currently include volunteer labour, the Community Grants Program currently rates voluntary labour at $43.27 per hour.

Example - Letter of support

1 January 2024

Community Development Officer

Kempsey Shire Council

PO BOX 3078


Dear Community Development Officer,

Letter of Support – Community Grants Program – (Enter project name)

I would like to support the application by the <Add name of Agency seeking Grant Funds for a Community Grant>.

I am the (President/Chairperson), of (e.g. Helping People Organisation) a (describe

type of agency e.g. not-for profit/Government agency/peak industry body). Our goal is to ... (describe purpose of agency).

On behalf of the Helping People Organisation, I would like to support the application by

(Add agency name applying for grant) for a Community Grant. (Describe why the letter writer is supporting the agency applying for a grant, why the project is important/needed in the community and why you believe the group can successfully deliver the project).

Yours sincerely,




What if my project will be Council land?

If you are running an event on Council owned land or Crown Reserve land managed by Council, you will need to lodge an Event Application Form. Please provide at least 6 weeks processing time for your application. For more information, please contact Council’s Customer Service team on 02 6566 3200 or via email to

If you are undertaking a more permanent project on Council owned land or Crown Reserve land managed by Council, you will need to seek permission and request a formal letter in writing with the following information:

  • Who is applying?
  • What is the project you are applying for?
  • Who will be undertaking the work? If it is a registered business, please provide details.
  • What are the ongoing benefits to the community?
  • Why is this project needed?
  • How much is the project going to cost?
  • Who will be responsible for ongoing maintenance?

This request can be made via email to Please provide a minimum of 10 business days' notice for formal consent to be given. Requests received with less than 10 business days, may result in an inability to process your request.

How to acknowledge council's contributions

If you receive grant or sponsorship funding from Kempsey Shire Council, it's essential to acknowledge Council's support. The attached guideline outlines how to do so.

Acknowledging-Councils-Support-for-Community-Grants-and-Funding.pdf(PDF, 344KB)


Grant Guru

Kempsey Shire Council, in partnership with Grant Guru, provides the Macleay Grant Hub to all local businesses, community groups, not-for-profits and individuals.

This site provides a comprehensive list of grant and funding opportunities available to you.

Grant Guru is a free service means you will never miss a grant opportunity again. Register to receive emailed alerts for new grants, save your favourites and access tips to help you apply for grants.

Macleay Grant Hub