Cut 3 is the most complex cut and will join an existing cut from the Telstra Tower – Toose Road trail. This cut is now approximately 97% established and has progressed slowly since last week's update (see photos). All material around the final sections of rock have now been removed, it is anticipated that the small section of remaining rock will need to be drilled and fractured to allow progress to occur. Specialist resources that are currently working on Devils Nook Landslip repair are being engaged to undertake this work.
Council staff continue to work on Fifes Creek Road to ensure that the alternate route includes acceptable conditions for access into Kempsey. The Fifes Creek Road team have continued to focus on gravel resheeting, corner improvements and drainage this week. Additional works to be completed include the continuation of gravel re-sheeting, placement of cattle grids, pipes and concrete causeways.
Due to the slow progress with Cut 3, advice on the opening timeframe has been delayed as per previous updates. An opening timeframe will be shared with the community once the rock has been removed from the top of cut 3. Please note that initially movement may be restricted to essential or emergency movements only.
Investigation update – long term access
As advised at community meetings the long-term reinstatement of a publicly accessible road is likely to take in the order of two years.
These access options are being considered in more detail, a project team within GHD are working on mapping formal route options and costings. Progress is being made on the development of these options with a draft report now received by Council staff and is currently under review.
Once the draft report is finalised, community input and feedback will be sought when needed with the aim of selecting a suitable long-term option to allow detailed planning and consultation to commence, noting the feedback that has already been received to date from landowners with a preference of repairing the slip. A longer term access solution decision shall also be in collaboration with Transport for NSW who administer natural disaster funding for restoration of road assets.
Emergency provisions and supply
Today’s scheduled air resupply has been postponned due to forecasted showers.
The pilot is in direct contact with the recipient to coordinate this transport of 30 tonnes of dry feed.
It is anticipated that this will be the final air resupply provisioned by Resilience NSW.
Flood recovery assistance
Council is still waiting for confirmation from Service Australia as to when they will attend Bellbrook to connect residents impacted by the landslip with potential grants.
Again, Council's Readiness & Recovery Team will be in direct contact with residents once a date is confirmed.
More information
If you have any questions or issues please call Customer Service on 6566 3200 and ask to speak to the Readiness and Recovery Team.
Cut 3 – Remaining Rock
Fifes Creek Road – Resheeting
Fifes Creek Road – Resheeting