An update on the Toose Road landslip: edition six
Published on 09 June 2022
Update to geotechnical advice on the Landslip
As per previous updates, initial Geophysics investigations have occurred at the slip site using ground penetrating radar. Unfortunately, there was no rock found to 15 metres which confirms a short-term repair solution is not feasible at the slip site. Fieldwork to provide further geophysics information has occurred this week. The purpose of this work was to find rock at a greater depth, results are anticipated to be available within the next week. This process will help inform whether a long-term solution to repair the slip face is achievable. Any actions on the site of the slip relate to the long-term options and no immediate clearing or construction on this site has been proposed.
Construction update - short term access
Progress has been pleasing since the last update, with our crews able to make significant inroads on Fifes Creek Road and Cut 3. The rock experienced at the top of Cut 3 has been challenging as expected, progress has slowed since hitting the high strength material however progress continues.
Below is an update on each of the four main components of the trail:
• Cut 1 is complete, however it will require some more work to lessen the grade.
• Cut 2 has commenced, however the ridge line is quite steep in places and requires a cut across the face of the ridge. Further progress has occurred on this cut since the last update and is nearing completion.
• The Ridge Trail has been cleaned of vegetation and for the length of the line shown in orange the grade is reasonable, this area only requires a tidy up and some gravel in places.
• Cut 3 is the most complex cut and will join an existing cut from the Telstra Tower – Toose Road trail. This cut is now approximately 90% established and has progressed since last week's update (see photos). The rock at the top of Cut 3 is very hard and is making progress slow in the final stages of the cut.

Council staff continue to work on Fifes Creek Road to ensure that the alternate route includes acceptable conditions for access into Kempsey. Significant progress has occurred on this route and includes widening, gravel placement, intersection improvements, crossing improvements and vegetation removal to enhance road alignment. The Fifes Creek Road team has primarily focused on gravel resheeting this week with further resheeting planned to occur next week. Additional works to be completed include the continuation of corner improvements, placement of cattle grids, pipes and concrete causeways.
Investigation update - long term access
As advised at community meetings the long-term reinstatement of a publicly accessible road is likely to take in the order of two years.
These access options are being considered in more detail, a project team within GHD are working on mapping formal route options and costings. Progress is being made on the development of these options.
This work has commenced, staff are commencing on site investigations and a high-level report will be produced in the near future.
Stock movements
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) via Resilience NSW and Transport for NSW continue to be liaised with regard to the potential for a temporary bailey bridge over the Macleay River or provision of high clearance trucks to provide for stock movements. Council staff have identified a potential location to these agencies. Council staff await feedback from these agencies as to whether these options may be supported.
As the short term access to Fifes Road nears completion it will be able to be assessed as to suitability for providing for stock movements. Per previous advice the access shall be a minimum of 4WD standard, with this standard comfortably achieved based on works undertaken to date.
Emergency provisions and supply
Council is awaiting confirmation from Resilience NSW of a future bulk feed aie resupply on either Thursday 30 June or Thursday 14 July.
Details of the resupply will be confirmed in the next update, Thursday 16 June.
Flood recovery assistance
Council continues to advocate with State Government agencies to have local case managers appointed to assist impacted residents connect to financial support.
As soon as this is resolved, the Readiness & Recovery Team will be in direct contact with residents who have registered their details with Service NSW.
Tropical Soda Apple
Council apologises to residents on Toose Road for the automation of a letter detailing potential fines should TSA not be controlled on your property. These letters were sent to all properties who have once had TSA identified on them.
As acknowledged at the face-to-face meeting held at Council on Monday 9 May, we understand the limitations on control while residents remain isolated, unable to source deliveries or freely access all areas of their properties.
TSA continues to be a significant concern and Council is investigating funding options to support ongoing control and eradication programs on private property, of which Toose Road remains a priority area.
Control measures continue along the river with contractors being able to access priority sites via the river, with positive progress being made.
More information
If you have any questions or issues please call Customer Service on 6566 3200 and ask to speak to the Readiness and Recovery Team.

Cut 3 - Dozer view

Cut 3