An update on the Toose Road landslip: edition four
Published on 26 May 2022
Update to geotechnical advice on the Landslip
As per the previous update, initial Geophysics investigations have occurred at the slip site using ground penetrating radar. Unfortunately, there was no rock found to 15 metres which confirms a short-term repair solution is not feasible at the slip site.
Further geophysics has been arranged to occur during the week commencing the 6th of June with the intent of finding rock at a greater depth. This process will help inform whether a long-term solution to repair the slip face is achievable.
Any actions on the site of the slip relate to the long-term options and no immediate clearing or construction on this site has been proposed.
Construction update - short term access
Construction progress of the Toose Road to Fife’s Creek Road trail has been delayed due to the recent rainfall. However, progress has been pleasing on the day’s works have been able to proceed. Images taken between 17 - 20 May are attached.
Weather is anticipated to continue to impact the completion of this access trail given current forecasts.
There are four main components of the construction of the trail, being cut one, cut two, Ridge Trail and cut three.
Below is an update on each of the four components of the trail:
Cut 1 is complete, but will require some more work to lessen the grade
Cut 2 has commenced, however the ridge line is quite steep in places and requires a cut across the face of the ridge. Progress on this cut has been delayed due to wet weather and to allow the dozer and excavator operator to focus on the more complex cut 3.
The Ridge Trail has been cleaned of vegetation and for the length of the line shown in orange the grade is reasonable, this area only requires a tidy up and some gravel in places.
Cut 3 is the most complex cut and will join an existing cut from the Telstra Tower – Toose Road trail. This cut is now approximately 60% established and has progressed significantly since last weeks update.
See below a diagram of the four components of the trail for reference.
Council staff continue to work on Fifes Creek Road to ensure that the alternate route includes acceptable conditions for access into Kempsey.
Significant progress on this work included widening, intersection improvements, crossing improvements and vegetation removal to enhance road alignment.
Investigation update – long term access
As advised at community meetings the long-term reinstatement of a publicly accessible road is likely to take in the order of two years.
These access options are being considered in more detail, a project team within GHD are working on mapping formal route options and costings.
Emergency provisions and supply
Resilience NSW has confirmed an air supply drop of fodder for Thursday 2 June, utilising a sling to transport bulky goods. Residents will be responsible for the provision of mechanical assistance to load and unload these bulk goods. Newman Hollis is assisting to coordinate: Any bulk deliveries must be logged with Beth Bickford by COB Friday 27 June: 0459 717 441
This is the last scheduled air supported resupply, in anticipation of the Fifes Road alternate access route being completed within the next fortnight, weather permitting.
Large bulk fodder requirements will be assessed in July.
Flood recovery assistance
Resident concerns of the lack of accessible financial support has been escalated to Resilience NSW. Council awaits a response and will continue to advocate for direct case management for those directly impacted.
Council is working to escort a mobile mechanic to properties isolated by the landslip. Community Recovery Officer Beth Bickford will be in direct contact with those impacted to confirm dates and requirements.
Service NSW is offering licensing and registration support for flood victims including extensions to registrations and license renewals. To discuss your personal situation and receive assistance in lodging an application, please contact the Service NSW Kempsey Customer Care representative:
Fiemea Clarke: 0448 292 387 |
If you have any questions or issues please call Customer Service on 6566 3200 and ask to speak to the Readiness and Recovery Team.
Cut 1 (below)
Cut 1 (second photo, below)
Cut 3 (see below, has commenced)
Ridge Trail Cleaned ready for gravel (see below)