Unfortunately, more rainfall is predicted which may cause further delays with construction. Further updates will be provided in Edition 4.
There are four main components of the construction of the trail, being cut one, cut two, Ridge Trail and cut three.
See below a diagram of the four components of the trail for reference.

Council staff continue to work on Fifes Creek Road to ensure that the alternate route includes acceptable conditions for access into Kempsey.
Significant progress on this work included widening, intersection improvements, crossing improvements and vegetation removal.
GHD has provided approval to remove some trees on Fifes Creek Road which will make the road wider and allow truck access for construction and maintenance activities.
Update to geotechnical advice on the Landslip
Regional Geotechnical Solutions visited the slip site and provided a second opinion as requested. The site visit confirmed the original geotechnical advice to be accurate and the report was provided at the most recent community update.
GHD arranged for Geophysics to occur at the slip site using ground penetrating radar. Unfortunately, there was no rock found to 15 metres.
Further geophysics are being arranged by GHD with the intent of finding rock at a greater depth. This process will help inform whether a long term solution to repair the slip face is achievable.
Any actions on the site of the slip relate to the long-term options and no immediate clearing or construction on this site has been proposed.
Investigation update – long term access
As advised at community meetings the long-term reinstatement of a publicly accessible road is likely to take in the order of two years.
These access options are being considered in more detail, a project team within GHD are working on mapping formal route options and costings.
The Local Member Pat Conaghan has escalated the request for ADF support via the relevant Minister (Bridget McKenzie). Resilience NSW have sought further advice on this request from Council, which has been provided. Council awaits the advice of Resilience NSW on whether support shall be available.
There is no update available from Local Land Services regarding the request for temporary additional yards at the Travelling Stock Route (TSR) by Five Day Creek off Towal Road (#R1002042).
Emergency provisions and supply
Air support for a resupply of groceries and pig feed has been confirmed and arranged for the afternoon of Thursday 19 May. Isolated residents and landowners are responsible for the purchase of provisions, but there is no government cost passed on for the logistics support and costs of air supply.
The next air resupply will be Thursday 2 June, with deliveries to be confirmed with Beth Bickford by COB Friday 27 May. This flight will utilise a sling to deliver bulk feed requirements.
Further air support to achieve future feed deliveries is not scheduled, however this will be assessed in early July.
Flood recovery assistance
Council has been advised of the significant time and emotional demand on impacted residents trying to access financial support. Council continues to advocate for our residents and has escalated our concerns with Resilience NSW seeking clarity and action.
The Readiness & Recovery Team will be in touch with residents directly to advise of progress.
If you know someone is overwhelmed or not themselves, please check in with them.
It’s ok not to feel ok –there is FREE and confidential support available.
Phone Lifeline on 13 11 14 or text 0477 13 11 14 (midday to midnight).
If you have any questions or issues please call Customer Service on 6566 3200 and ask to speak to the Readiness and Recovery Team.