An update on the Toose Road landslip: edition 16
Published on 18 August 2022
Kempsey Shire Council has committed to providing regular updates to residents and landowners directly impacted by the landslip on Toose Road.
Update to geotechnical advice on the Landslip
The significant repair works required at the slip site, alongside the unfavourable geotechnical conditions were discussed at length during the community meeting held on the 20th of July 2022. The repair of the slip was included as a potential long-term option, however this option has now been discounted as a long term option.
Construction update - short term access
A summary of progress relating to the short-term access is provided below:
- Cut 1, Cut 2 and the Ridge Trail are complete.
Note, the team that were working on Fifes Creek Road are now working on improving the short-term access road by battering the cutting faces, improving the gravel surface and placing a bunded wall for safety, this will be complete during the week of the 22nd of August.
- Cut 3 is the most complex cut and will join an existing cut from the Telstra Tower – Toose Road trail. This cut is now approximately 98% established. Approximately 20m of rock now remains to be removed and requires specialist contractors to drill and blast the hard rock. Achievements this week include:
- Drilling of Holes for Blast 1 completed.
- Blast 1 successfully completed (see photo attached)
- Clearing of Debris remaining from Blast 1 completed.
- Commencement of further drilling for a second blast.
It is hoped that blast two will clear the remaining rock, blast two is booked for the 29th of August, an update on success will be provided once complete.

Council staff have completed resheeting, corner improvement and vegetation works on Fifes Creek Road to ensure that the alternate route includes acceptable conditions for access into Kempsey. Further works to be delivered include the installation of cattle grids, signage, and concrete water crossings.
Due to the slow progress with Cut 3, advice on the opening timeframe has been delayed as per previous updates. An opening timeframe will be shared with the community once the rock has been removed from the top of cut 3. Please note that initially movement may be restricted to essential or emergency movements only.
Investigation update – long term access
As advised at the recent community meeting, the long-term reinstatement of a publicly accessible road is likely to take in the order of two years.
Several options were presented to the community and were circulated with the weekly updates provided since the community meeting on the 20th of July. Council appreciates the feedback received on these options.
Meetings with impacted landholders have commenced and will continue. For this reason, while Council is close to selecting a preferred option announcements won’t be made until further consultation has occurred.
Stock movements
Council first approached Local Land Services (LLS) for assistance transporting and
yarding isolated livestock on Wednesday 11 May. Following on-site inspections
conducted by LLS on Wednesday 3 August 2022, Lauren Wilson is now your primary contact for all livestock welfare and movement enquiries:
- Lauren Wilson
- 0427 496 944
- Call 1300 795 299 to contact Kempsey Local Land Service office from Monday to Friday 8.30am to 4.30pm
Emergency provisions and supply
Kate Macfarlane, Local Recovery Coordinator with Resilience NSW is coordinating
the response for impacted residents:
• Kate Macfarlane
• 0498 324 677
Flood recovery assistance
Kate Macfarlane, Local Recovery Coordinator with Resilience NSW will be
organising a community session in Bellbrook for assistance providers to attend.
More information
If you have any questions or issues please call Customer Service on 6566 3200 and ask to speak to the Readiness and Recovery Team.
For more information head to
If you are seeking any more information about Council head to
Toose Road – Fifes Creek Blast 1

Rock Removed Post Blast 1
Rock Removed Post Blast 1 (photo 2)