An update on the Toose Road landslip: edition seven
Published on 16 June 2022
Update to geotechnical advice on the landslip
As per previous updates, initial Geophysics investigations have occurred at the slip site using ground penetrating radar. Unfortunately, there was no rock found to 15 metres which confirms a short-term repair solution is not feasible at the slip site.
Fieldwork to provide further geophysics information has occurred last week. The purpose of this work was to find rock at a greater depth. The data produced from the field work is still being processed, however initial feedback received indicates rock at a depth of 17-35m, this depth varies across the slip plane. A more detailed summary of findings is expected to be received over the next week.
Note that the investigations being undertaken on the site of the slip relate to the long-term options and no immediate clearing or construction on this site has been proposed.
Construction update - short term access
Progress has been pleasing since the last update, with our crews able to make significant inroads on Fifes Creek Road. The rock experienced at the top of Cut 3 has been challenging as expected, progress has slowed since hitting the high strength material however progress continues.
Below is an update on each of the four main components of the trail:
- Cut 1 is complete, however it will require some more work to lessen the grade.
- Cut 2 is now complete, this cut has followed a different path to that shown due to ease of construction and improved grade.
- The Ridge Trail has been cleaned of vegetation and for the length of the line shown in orange the grade is reasonable, this area only requires a tidy up and some gravel in places.
- Cut 3 is the most complex cut and will join an existing cut from the Telstra Tower – Toose Road trail. This cut is now approximately 95% established and has progressed since last week's update (see photos). The rock at the top of Cut 3 is very hard and is making progress slow in the final stages of the cut, it is estimated a length of 30m remains to finalise the rough in process of this cut.

Council staff continue to work on Fifes Creek Road to ensure that the alternate route includes acceptable conditions for access into Kempsey. The Fifes Creek Road team have continued to focus on gravel resheeting and corner improvements this week. Additional works to be completed include the continuation of gravel re-sheeting, corner improvements, placement of cattle grids, pipes and concrete causeways.
Pending progress with Cut 3, over the next week Council expects to be able to advise on the likely opening timeframe of the short term route, noting that initially movement may be restricted to essential or emergency movements only.
Investigation update - long term access
As advised at community meetings the long-term reinstatement of a publicly accessible road is likely to take in the order of two years.
These access options are being considered in more detail, a project team within GHD are working on mapping formal route options and costings. Progress is being made on the development of these options with a draft report expected to be received within the next week for Council staff to review.
Once the draft report is finalised, community input and feedback will be sought with the aim of selecting a suitable long-term option to allow detailed planning and consultation to commence. This shall also be in collaboration with Transport for NSW who administer natural disaster funding for restoration of road assets.
Stock movements
Local Land Services is in direct contact with property owners regarding options for temporary upgrades to the stock yards at the Travelling Stock Route (TSR) by Five Day Creek off Towal Road (#R1002042).
Refer also to Update 6 with respect to potential support from the ADF and Transport for NSW. Council staff await feedback from these agencies. The short term access shall also be able to be assessed as to suitability to provide for stock movements once nearing or fully complete.
Emergency provisions and supply
Resilience NSW has confirmed a bulk feed air resupply on Thursday 30 June.
All goods must be delivered to the lift site – they cannot be collected by Council.
To be included in this operation contact Beth Bickford by 2pm Tuesday 21 June; 0459 717 441
*Resilience will not lift any goods not detailed with Beth by 2pm Tuesday 21 June.
Flood recovery assistance
Council is liaising with Service Australia to bring specialist Disaster Grant Officers to Bellbrook to help resident’s whose income has been directly impacted by the landslip apply for grants.
The Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) is a short-term (13 week) payment to help you if you lose income as a direct result of a declared disaster. Payments can be backdated to the time of impact. The fastest way to claim is by calling 180 22 66.
More information
If you have any questions or issues please call Customer Service on 6566 3200 and ask to speak to the Readiness and Recovery Team.
Cut 2:

Cut 3: