We’re spending $31.6 million on our environment
Published on 09 May 2022
The environment we live in is one of the big winners out of this year’s annual budget.
Kempsey Shire Council has budgeted $31.6 million for works to improve our natural and built environment in the next year including:
- Preparing an updated Coastal Management Program to manage and improve the health of our estuaries, foreshores and wetlands
- Working with residents to manage high priority weeds and pest species
- Flood risk management planning for the Kempsey CBD and Lower Macleay
- Planning for sustainable land use and development, for example, South West Rocks Structure Plan
Read the full budget in Council’s Operational Plan and see how your rates are working for you at ksc.pub/budget
Detailed information on areas like asset management as well as Council’s fees and charges can be found in the other documents that make up the Integrated Planning & Reporting suite.
You can also help to prioritise the plans for the next four years in the Delivery Program survey.