Vandals cause closure of Back Creek toilets

Published on 01 July 2022


A recent rise in vandalism has caused ongoing and extensive damage to the public toilets in Back Creek and Horseshoe Bay in South West Rocks.

As a result, Kempsey Shire Council has reluctantly chosen to start locking the Back Creek toilet block at 4.30pm each evening and reopening it at 6.30am the next day.

We are sorry to have to take this action and know it will inconvenience some park users. 

Additional security options are also being investigated to find a solution to this ongoing problem.

Multiple times a week for the past few months vandals have graffittied the new toilet block in Back Creek and the block in Horseshoe Bay 

There has also been extensive damage to the facilities, including breaking toilet roll holders from the walls, setting fires in and around the blocks and smashing the tiles from the walls. The cost to ratepayers to repair these toilets is extensive given the need for specialist trades to carry out the work. 

We will reassess the closures as we approach summer. 

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