Timely road safety message for holiday season
Published on 29 November 2022
Together with South West Rocks Rotary, Council is supporting the Little Blue Dinosaur Foundation by installing holiday time road safety signage in key carpark and local traffic areas throughout the township.
Little Blue Dinosaur is a road safety campaign run each year to increase awareness of kids about during holiday time. Creating a safer environment for children and families on holiday is a fundamental aim of the Foundation.
Being a prime holiday destination for the Christmas and Summer holidays, South West Rocks has lots of visitors and therefore additional cars on our local roads. The message to take care on our roads when children are about is especially important during this busy time.
The signs will remain in place until February. If you’re crossing the road or walking in a carpark with your children. please hold their hand. If you’re driving, please take extra care and slow down. We can all help keep our kids safe these holidays.