It's magpie swooping season
Published on 05 October 2021
Spring is breeding season for the Australian magpie, which is known to swoop anything entering their territory believed to be a threat to their nest or young.
Unfortunately there is little that Council can do to prevent magpies swooping, however there are a few things you can do to stay swoop-free
Magpies will usually only swoop for a few weeks each year although it is best to avoid areas where magpies are known to be nesting. During this time some male magpies can be fiercely aggressive towards anything coming within 100 metres of their territory.
Outside the breeding season, magpies are friendly neighbours, helping to control pests in gardens and their melodic call a delightful part of life in Australia.
As magpies are a protected species through NSW under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974, it is illegal to kill magpies, collect their eggs or harm their young.
For ways to reduce your chances of being swooped, visit NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment