Deputy Mayor election and new shed site on Council's September agenda

Published on 13 September 2023

Council chambers sign

Among the agenda items for consideration by Council is the election of the Deputy Mayor, the site for the relocation of the Crescent Head maintenance shed, and an update on the Crescent Head Foreshore Revitalisation Project.

Additionally, Councillors will also consider three Notices of Motion on Dementia Awareness, waste vouchers and Varroa Mite.

You can register to speak to Councillors at the Public Forum on Monday 18 September. The meeting is only held if there are registered speakers.

The Ordinary Meeting will be held in Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 19 September. 

You can view the full September agenda and business papers at Council meeting agendas & minutes

The meeting will be live-streamed via Council's YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website. 

Election of a new Deputy Mayor

Council will elect a Deputy Mayor, as required by regulations. The Deputy Mayor will be selected by open voting and will serve this position until the next Local Government election, scheduled for September 2024.

A new site for the Crescent Head maintenance shed

Council will decide on the site for the relocation of the maintenance shed in the Crescent Head Holiday Park. As resolved at the August meeting, Councillors, staff, and representatives of the Crescent Head Ratepayers Association, Crescent Head Country Club, and Australian Tourist Park Management (ATPM), met on site at the Crescent Head Holiday Park on 24 August 2023.

Council staff opened the meeting by acknowledging our mistakes with this project and confirming commitment to a finding a resolution that meets, as much as possible, community expectations and Council’s operational and financial objectives. The meeting considered the location of the shed, the reinstatement of the public footpath through the park, and the use of the new slab after the shed has been relocated.

Council will also be asked to endorse the revised Crescent Head Holiday Park Concept Plan. The draft concept plan takes into account the changes including converting existing powered sites into cabins to offset revenue lost by sacrificing powered sites to relocate the maintenance shed, as well a proposal to redevelop the park reception and manager's residence.

The draft Revised Concept Plan will be publicly exhibited for 28 days to enable further community consultation regarding the future plans for the Crescent Head Holiday Park.

What's happening with the Crescent Head Foreshore Revitalisation Project?

Council will be updated on the progress of the Council Managed Crown Land Plan of Management and the Crescent Head Foreshore Revitalisation Project, including:

  • The draft Council Managed Crown Land Plan of Management is awaiting the Minister's consent.
  • When the draft plan has the Minister's consent it will be placed on public exhibition.
  • The draft plan will be exhibited for a period of 42 days to give the community suitable time for review and submission.
  • Noting that the Crescent Head foreshore revitalisation project will be placed on hold until the Plan of Management is finalised and adopted.
  • Noting that community engagement be undertaken regarding the leases proposed for renewal, including that of the Crescent Head Country Club, which have their golf course and tennis courts located on Crown land.
  • Noting that revisions to, and implementation of, the Crescent Head Holiday Park Concept Plan will go ahead independently of the matters in this report.
  • Acknowledging that the proposed Community Advisory Group previously endorsed for the Crescent Head foreshore revitalisation project, have expanded terms of reference and scope to include areas proposed for leases on Crown reserve in Crescent Head.

Three Notices of Motion

  • The first Notice seeks to acknowledge that September is Dementia Awareness month and that key stakeholders in Kempsey Shire should be supported to create a more inclusive community for those living with dementia and their supporters.
  • The second Notice concerns the distribution of waste vouchers and an investigation of ways in which the people residing in the houses and the business premises, where the rates are being applied, can access these vouchers.
  • The third Notice is regarding Varroa Mite, asking that Kempsey Shire Council acknowledges the significant impact of the Varroa mite in the Kempsey Shire on the businesses and families in our community and undertake to provide support and advocacy for those affected.

Order of Business considered in open session

9.1. Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes - 5 September 2023

10.1. Election of Deputy Mayor

10.2. Cresent Head Holiday Park - Relocation of maintenance shed and public access

10.3. Council Managed Crown Land Plan of Management and Crescent Head Foreshore Revitalisation Project

10.4. Planning Proposal PP-2022-4108 Lot 1 Beranghi Road, Crescent Head

10.5. Public Interest Disclosures Policy

10.6. Classification of Land Acquired by Council as Operational - Stuarts Point Sewerage Scheme

10.7. Bellbrook Waste Transfer Station Green Waste Fee Amendment

10.8. 2022-2023 Annual Financial Statements

10.9. Statement of Cash and Investments - August 2023

11.1. Notice of Motion - Dementia Awareness

11.2. Notice of Motion - Waste Vouchers

11.3. Notice of Motion - Varroa Mite

11.4. Delegates Report - Bush Fire Management Committee - August 2023

11.5. Delegates Report - Country Mayors Association of NSW meeting and meeting with the Hon. Rose Jackson MLC

12.1. Legal Matters

12.2. Land Acquisitions for the Maria River Road Project

More information

You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers

You can view the meeting on Council's YouTube page