Every little bit counts when it comes to saving the Koalas

Published on 27 September 2023

a little koala joey named abai

In 2022, the koala was officially listed as an endangered species.

Apart from disease and dog attacks, koalas being hit by vehicles is one of the main reasons for admission to the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, who also operate in our Shire.

There have been 18 recorded koalas hit by cars in the Kempsey local government area since 2019, including Abai, a koala joey whose mother was hit and killed by a car in August. 

To help increase awareness among locals and visitors of the threat to koalas from our roads, Council is pleased to announce $155,000 funding from the NSW Government to put in place actions to reduce koalas hit by vehicles in key ‘hotspot’ areas. 

The project aims to increase koala awareness in the Kempsey Shire through the installation of permanent vehicle activated warning signs, relocatable trailer mounted signs, and pavement markings. 

These signs and markings will be concentrated in key ‘hotspots’ areas within the Crescent Head area.

Kempsey has been keenly following the progress of koala joey, Abai. Kempsey Shire Council staff recently raised $500 for Koala Conservation Australia (Port Macquarie Koala Hospital) to contribute towards Abai’s care.

Please be aware that Koala breeding season runs from August through February each year; you'll notice koalas are more active and may frequently cross roads or venture into our towns.

Pay extra attention to the roads, especially during dusk and dawn, when koalas are most active. Slow down and drive carefully, especially at night, to avoid any unfortunate accidents.

If you do some across a koala in need, please phone the Koala Emergency Rescue Line on 02 6584 1522.