Preliminary result 2021 Kempsey Local Government Councillor Election
Published on 22 December 2021
The NSW Electoral Commission has announced the preliminary result of the 2021 Kempsey Local Government Council election.
The election was conducted by NSW Electoral Commission and held on Saturday 4 December. 22,744 residential and non-residential electors were enrolled in the shire on 4 December 2021.
The NSW Electoral Commission representative has now distributed preferences according to the Proportional Representation counting system as defined in Schedule 5 of the Local Government (General) Regulation 2021, which has resulted in the final outcome.
In alphabetical order, the following 8 candidates have been successful and will serve as Councillors of Kempsey Shire Council for the next term which will run until September 2024:
- Arthur Bain
- Liz Campbell
- V Craigie
- Simon Ferguson
- Josh Freeman
- Anthony Patterson
- Kerri Riddington
- Alexandra Wyatt
An objection to this result may be lodged with the NSW Electoral Commission within the next 24 hours. It is anticipated that this result will be declared official shortly after midday 23 December 2021.
They will serve with Leo Hauville who was declared as the successful candidate for Mayor on Tuesday 21 December.
Council thanks the departing Councillors and all of the candidates and congratulates the new Councillors on taking office.