Free clean-up for bush fire affected properties
Published on 17 May 2022
Properties and landowners affected by the 2019-20 bushfires who need to dispose of fire-affected fencing materials or need help clearing, felling or disposing of fallen trees could be eligible for a free clean up.
Kempsey Shire Council will be undertaking Operation Property Clean Up with professional contractors to assist residents.
The project is funded under the NSW Environment Protection Authority’s FenceCycle Program and Bushfire-Generated Green Waste Clean-Up and Processing Program, which has been generated by the the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Council’s Agricultural Project Officer, Ali Briggs, said the project aims to help bushfire impacted residents and landowers safely remove fire affected materials from their property.
“Our Shire had over 63,000 hectares and 600 private properties that were adversely affected by the bushfires,” she said.
“This has presented a large clean-up effort and one that just doesn’t happen overnight.
“For many landowners who still have fire affected materials remaining on their property it’s a constant reminder of the devastating impact and shock of the fires.
“This program provides the machinery, the manpower and the support to clean up fire affected waste and take those reminders away and to help assist them with ongoing recovery.”
Residents are encouraged to check their eligibility for the program and submit an application to council.
“Council staff will endeavour to process applications as quickly as possible and applicants will be contacted if successful with further details to make arrangements for the clean-up. In bitter irony, rain sodden ground may impact the timing for when machinery can be bought in for the clean-up,” Ms Briggs said.
To submit an application click here
Alternatively, for more information contact council on 6566 3200.