Let's all get home safely

Published on 15 May 2023

yellow car and yellow road safety ribbon

National Road Safety Week kicked-off on Sunday 14 May 2023 with a message to drivers everywhere… “pledge to drive so others survive”. 

Kempsey Shire Council General Manager Craig Milburn said that it was everyone’s right to get home safely. 

“Country roads can present more risks to drivers in some areas due to fewer streetlights, no line marking, unsealed surfaces and wildlife crossing.

“As residents living in regional and rural areas such as we do, a great way of being good citizens and neighbours is to ensure we drive in a safe and mindful manner.” 

So you’re not at a loss of what to pledge during National Road Safety Week; consider some of the following messages:

• I pledge to drive as if my loved ones are on the road ahead.

• I will remove all distractions and never use my mobile phone while driving.

• I will not put other people at risk by speeding, driving while tired or under the influence of alcohol/drugs.

• I will protect all vulnerable road users, especially those whose job places them in harm’s way, by slowing down and giving them the space they need to be safe.

The goal of the annual road safety initiative is to highlight the impact of road trauma and ways to reduce it. Taking the pledge during National Road Safety Week is a simple action you can take to commit driving more safely around our Shire. 

According to statistics published by National Road Safety Week founding organisation the Safer Australian Roads and Highways Group, approximately 1200 people are killed and another 44,000* are seriously injured on Australian roads each year. 

Each day of National Road Safety Week gives drivers an opportunity to focus on a specific driver safety message which reinforce some of the most important road safety rules for accident prevention. 

Have your say on the Road Safety Strategic Plan

After taking the pledge, could you also spare five minutes to make Kempsey’s roads safe? 

Council wants to hear from road users and pedestrians what they are most concerned about in 2023. Have your say on Council’s Road Safety Strategic Plan here


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