My last column

Published on 25 October 2021

Mayor Liz Campbell

On Saturday 4 December the residents of our Shire will have the opportunity once more to select their Mayor and Councillors for the next term of Council at the local government elections.

To keep elections fair, and ensure voters are not misled, there are strict rules about the information that candidates and their supporters can publish or distribute. These rules apply during what is known as the “regulated period” and include the need to transition from a Mayor’s column to a General Manager’s column if the Mayor is running again, which I am.

So in order to ensure there is no perception of council resources influencing the election, this will be my last Mayoral Column of this term.

As such I would like to take the opportunity to say thank you.

The role of Mayor of Kempsey Shire is a high honour which I cherish and respect each and every day. It is a great privilege to have a front row seat to everything that this great Shire and its people have achieved, the extraordinary events we have not just survived but overcome and the utterly incredible changes we have adjusted to in the last five years.

There are no words to capture the intense feeling of pride I have for this Shire and all of you, so I simply thank you for everything. 

Have you thought about running for Council?

This week and next also mark the opportunity for any resident of this Shire to nominate as a candidate in the election and I would strongly encourage you to consider it. If you are passionate about this Shire and our community then you already have the key qualification.

The role of Councillor is an important one, requiring a tremendous investment of time and work, but it is also tremendously rewarding.

Nominations close at midday on Wednesday 3 November. If you would like to learn more about enrolling as a candidate and the role of a Councillor head to

From that moment on, it falls upon us all to inform ourselves about the issues and the candidates and to make an educated decision on Saturday 4 December about who we vote for.

There is also information at Elections about other voting options, including postal voting and iVote as well as links to a huge number of resources.

Local Government provides so many key services, so this election is, as always, very important.

I’ll see you there and watch out for the General Manager Craig Milburn’s column from next week.