From the Mayor's Desk: You won’t recognise our amazing library

Published on 20 September 2021

The kempsey library entry with a sunset in the background

These are stressful times. I write this column each week with my fingers crossed that by the time you read it a new public health order won’t have changed everything. 

But something we can always rely on in our wonderful Shire are our libraries. Last week the South West Rocks and Stuarts Point branches reopened, and this week the Kempsey branch will reopen but with quite a difference!

The forced lockdown of Kempsey Library created the chance to finalise some important renovation designs and prepare the site for work to get underway. So when the branch opens this week, the front door will be fenced off and you will need to enter via the carpark out the back.

Council received a $460,000 Public Library Infrastructure Grant from the NSW Government to upgrade the building to include new bookable meeting rooms, quiet study pods, a youth space with gaming technology and a new children’s area that will flow onto a deck and outdoor reading room. It's going to be incredible and I can’t wait to see it finished.

In the meantime, I tried something new last weekend. I used our library to download an eBook.

With lockdown I fell in love with eBooks and our library members can access the library’s eBook collection for free. If your eBook reader has the ability to search the internet using a search engine, then you can access these eBooks for free. And it’s not just limited to eBooks. These services also include eAudiobooks and eMagazines, as well as downloadable music, streaming films and more.

To download an eBook, you download the app on your preferred app store or use the related website. We have three databases available (Libby by Overdrive, Bolinda and Indyreads). It’s pretty simple:

  1. Download the app

  2. Select ‘Mid North Coast Library Service’

  3. Enter your library card number and PIN (ddmmyy format). You may need to enter your email too, depending on the app.

  4. Search the app for a title that interests you

  5. Download the eBook for 7, 14 or even 21 days

  6. Read the title and enjoy.

After the allotted time the eBook will automatically disappear from your account. You can also return the eBook early if you finish before the time runs out.

So stop reading this column and go read a book! And please, stay safe.