A message from the Mayor: Clearing up Stuarts Point sewerage

Published on 12 December 2022


Last week I sent out a special message to the Stuarts Point community.

Council has announced an 18 month delay for the Stuarts Point Sewerage Scheme development, due to poorly drafted and out-dated state government legislation. In short, the escalating cost of the development has automatically triggered complex approvals.

Since then, I have been speaking with many community members about this issue.

Like me, they are disappointed and angry. After consideration and discussion, most agree that it is time for the state government to act.

There is also some confusion in the community. There are some who think this scheme will solve the rising groundwater level problem within Stuarts Point.

These are two issues that council is dealing with at the same time, but they are not the same issue.

The rising groundwater level during floods is being dealt with by having action plans in place for heavy rain while assessing the best way to drain stormwater from low-lying areas. The answer is not simply “drainage” as water only flows downhill and parts of the area are beneath sea level.

We have equipment constantly monitoring the groundwater level. Council staff are prepared and very aware of the situation. As has happened several times successfully this year, water pumps will be put into operation should the groundwater approach a critical point.

South West Rocks Christmas lunch

I was very entertained at the Riverside Tavern last week when I attended the SWR Senior Citizens Christmas function. This very active community group had over half of its 200-or-so members in attendance. There was good food and entertainment for all. Our local Cowper Member of Parliament, Pat Conaghan, was also there enjoying the event.

a christmas gathering in a venue

Festive Community Events

Last week I attended two Christmas Carol gatherings. One at Frederickton Public School with a large turnout of community, parents, students and teachers. The Kempsey District Silver Band provided fantastic music for the singing. The younger children were excited to have a visit from Santa, who arrived on a special sleigh branded Frederickton Rural Fire Service.

On Friday evening Kempsey Community Carols was held on Sea Street oval next to St Josephs Primary School. Once again, the Silver Band provided supported the singers.

Both events were proudly supported by Kempsey Shire Council Community Grants.

a band playing on grass