A message from the Mayor: Help make the best decisions for our future
Published on 09 May 2022
We need to hear from you. You’ve made great things happen for the Shire and it’s important that we all continue this in the years to come.
My fellow Councillors and I are very aware that engaging with our community is core to our roles and that we represent the whole Shire.
2042: Your Future, the 20-year community strategic plan for Kempsey Shire, was adopted at the April Council Meeting. This is a prime example of a successful community engagement project. In response to a draft that was itself based on 2 years of your feedback, we received numerous submissions from people from all walks of life.
Many of your suggested changes were incorporated into the final document which you can view at ksc.pub/2042
Presently, Council has several projects open for engagement and I ask you to take the time to give us some input on the following:
Delivery Program and Operational Plan
The Delivery Program is Council’s 4-year plan, and the Operational Plan is our proposed annual budget. Together they outline what Council intends to do this term. Your contribution to these need only be one point on any section of these essential plans but can also be an encompassing commentary. Submissions can be made at www.ksc.pub/op22-23 and close at 4pm Tuesday 24 May.
Airport Master Plan
What do you think needs to be done with the Airport to make it more productive for us? Anyone can provide input, not just airport users. Have your say through Council’s engagement platform Your Say Macleay at www.ksc.pub/airport
Catch-up with Council
It is great to have face-to-face opportunities to engage again after the last few years. This week we are holding the Crescent Head Catch-up after a successful event recently in South West Rocks.
Many thanks,
Mayor Leo Hauville.