Does your group need some extra cash for a project?

Published on 13 September 2022

a group of people

Now is your chance to get your hands on some cash that will really make a difference to the community.

Council’s Community Grants program is back to help groups add value to their facilities and bring fun to residents.

The Mayoral Community Fund stream can help your group with projects like:

  • undertaking minor capital works
  • purchasing of small capital equipment items provided that these are directly relevant to the particular community development project and that this is clearly demonstrated in the application
  • establishing costs where the project can demonstrate that it will be self-funded after the initial grant allocation or
  • one off projects that demonstrate outcomes beyond the life of the project.

Examples include improvements to public spaces such as air conditioning installation, electrical fit outs, maintenance and new equipment. 

Groups can apply for funding up to $5,000 to help bring their ventures to life.

Council's Community Grants Programs provides opportunities for a wide range of groups to access funding to do amazing things in the shire and for the community

To learn more, or to apply, head to Community Grants