Locking in plans for a growing South West Rocks on July Agenda
Published on 12 July 2023
Among items in the July Council Meeting agenda, Councillors will discuss the South West Rocks Structure Plan and the Kemp Street Sports Complex Master Plan.
Additionally, Councillors will also consider a Notice of Motion from Councillor Wyatt regarding a maintenance shed at Crescent Head Holiday Park and Councillor Bain’s Notice of Motion to enhancing education of the Voice to Parliament referendum.
You can register to speak to Councillors at the Public Forum on Monday 17 July. The meeting is only held if there are registered speakers.
The Ordinary Meeting will be held in Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 18 July.
You can view the June agenda and business papers at Council meeting agendas & minutes.
The meeting will be live-streamed via Council's YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website.
Is the draft South West Rocks Structure Plan ready for adoption?
At the June 2023 Meeting, Councillors deferred the decision to adopt the South West Rocks Structure Plan to the July meeting. This was to ensure that all viewpoints are considered and that the final plan aligns with the aspirations and requirements of the community while addressing the challenges posed by future growth.
The development of this plan commenced in January 2022, with the public being invited to contribute their perspectives on how to sustainably support the anticipated growth. The draft plan was made available for public exhibition from 1 February to 14 March 2023, allowing interested parties to review and provide feedback on the proposed strategies.
The draft document is now being put the Councillors who will decide if it should be adopted.
Final tweaks made to Kemp Street Sports Complex Master Plan
During the February 2023 Meeting, Councillors agreed to have staff review the Kemp Street Sports Complex Masterplan following a request from the Macleay Valley Rangers Football Club committee.
The club proposed the removal of the planned new turf wicket and multi-sport functionality designation from AREA 1: Premier Field Sports in the Master Plan. Their concern was that the cricket facilities would adversely impact their extended pre-season and summer activities on the football (soccer) fields.
They also provided their yearly schedule of field usage, highlighting that cricket would not be able to utilise the turf wicket adequately to justify its maintenance.
From here, staff initiated discussions with cricket groups and the football club to address the matter. The Macleay Valley Cricket Association expressed their support for the proposed amendment, citing resource limitations that made maintaining an additional turf wicket unfeasible for them.
Selling of extra Council land
Councillors will be asked to approve the sale of some Council land in South Kempsey. This parcel of land is zoned SP2 sewerage system and is no longer needed by Council. It can't be used for building houses and is considered appropriate for disposal.
Selling the land will save Council money by eliminating the need for rate payments, weed management, and fence maintenance. This aligns with the Council's goal of managing finances and assets for long-term sustainability.
Councillor Wyatt’s Notice of Motion regarding shed at Crecent Head Holiday Park
Councillor Wyatt will present a Notice of Motion during the meeting. This motion concerns the maintenance shed at Crescent Head Holiday Park and proposes the establishment of a Crescent Head Community Advisory Group.
Councillor Bain’s Notice of Motion about the Voice to Parliament education and outcomes
Councillor Bain will also present a Notice of Motion during the meeting. This motion will be on the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum and providing accurate information to the community about this referendum.
Order of Business considered in open session
10.1. South West Rocks Structure Plan
10.2. Kemp Street Sports Complex Master Plan Amendments
10.3. Disposal of Surplus Council Land - Sewer Land - East St, South Kempsey - Lot 22 DP553475
10.4. Statement of Cash and Investments - June 2023
11.1. Notice of Motion - Maintenance Shed - Crescent Head Holiday Park
11.2. Notice of Motion - Voice Education
More information
You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers
You can view the meeting on Council's YouTube page