Help unmask our latest litter problem
Published on 21 February 2022
Disposable face-masks don’t belong in the environment and the Clean Up Australia Day crew are calling on local volunteers to help remove them from ours.
If you’ve already signed up to participate in Clean Up Australia Day activities in the first week of March, then you’re in. If you haven’t then best get your skates on because you need to register immediately – yes like today! That’s so you receive your free clean up kit in time.
Disposable face masks have joined the list of our regularly littered items such as cigarette butts, food wrapping and takeaway containers. When discarded into the environment they usually end up in our waterways posing a serious risk to local bird and marine life.
Registration for Clean Up Australia Day means you'll be covered by public liability insurance and all community and school groups receive free gloves and bags (businesses are asked to pay a small fee to cover costs). Register to step up to clean now at