Funding delivered for Oxley Crown Land Reserves

Published on 19 December 2022


The NSW Government has announced more than $350,000 in funding to maintain and upgrade Crown land reserves and community facilities across the Oxley region.

The NSW Government grants are provided by the Department of Planning and Environment – Crown Lands from the Crown Reserves Improvement Fund.

“It’s fantastic that $354,833 has been allocated to support local reserves and community facilities including upgrades for Stuarts Point Tennis Courts and Kundabung and Thora community halls,” Mrs Pavey said.

“Crown reserves provide land for sport and recreation, homes for community organisations, open space for healthy lifestyles, and protect our environment including sensitive habitat for native plants and animals.”

Local projects being funded include:

  • $163,805 for Kempsey Shire Council to remove the dilapidated Stuarts Point Tennis Courts Clubhouse, build a new purpose-built clubhouse, and install LED court lighting to provide residents and visitors with a quality facility.
  • $49,664 for kitchen upgrades at the Kundabung Community Hall including benchtops, splashbacks, two ovens, gas cooktop, deep fryer, sinks, overhead exhaust, fridges and freezers, dishwasher, and food waste containers.
  • $44,000 for Kempsey Shire Council to control noxious weeds on Crown reserves within the Macleay River catchment area.
     window screens, steps on the hall stage and exterior lighting, repairing veranda boards, window surrounds and rear steps, and planting of native vegetation.
  • $27,500 to control coastal weeds including bitou bush on Middle Head, Grassy Head and Stuarts Point in the Kempsey Shire Council area.
  • $7,920 for weed control on an emergency stock reserve at Frederickton.

Crown land covers about 34 million hectares or 42 per cent of NSW, with over 34,000 reserves across the state.

“The Oxley grants are part of $16.48 million being offered state-wide to support 264 projects that will benefit many thousands of people and the cultural, sporting and recreational life of hundreds of local communities.”


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