Flying Foxes a frustration for all in Bellbrook
Published on 06 July 2021
Kempsey Shire Council is aware that flying foxes have been especially active at Bellbrook Playground recently, creating significant mess on the equipment and frustration for users.
The grey-headed flying fox is listed as a species vulnerable to extinction under the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016, and as such Council cannot interfere with the colony to move them on.
Council urges parents to ensure their children avoid handling flying foxes or their droppings. Flying foxes are known to carry infections that can pose a serious risk to human health and should not be handled at any time. Please wash hands and toys with soap and water after attending the playground and other areas where flying foxes are present.
We will maintain our cleaning schedule for the playground equipment however due to limited resources, it is not possible to maintain a daily cleaning regime and as such you are asked to take care when visiting this area.
Precautionary signage is being prepared for the playground.
For more information about flying foxes and health visit NSW Health Flying fox Fact Sheet.