Council to consider biodiversity at February meeting
Published on 11 February 2022
The next Ordinary Council meeting will be held in Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 15 February.
The meeting will be live streamed via Council's YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website.
For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the Agenda and Business Papers.
Kempsey Shire Biodiversity Strategy 2022
Council's Strategic and Environmental Planning team has engaged with the community to develop a Biodiversity Strategy. The draft Biodiversity Strategy was on public exhibition for 42 days. Council received 50 community submissions and 232 individual comments, which have been included in a revised document.
Council is being asked to consider endorsing the latest version of the Biodiversity Strategy as final and note that the actions and outcomes in the strategy will be included in Council’s Delivery Program and Operational Plan where relevant.
600 Macleay Valley Way, South Kempsey – Planning Proposal
Council is being asked to consider matters raised on whether to accept a proposed amendment to the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013. The land at 600 Macleay Valley Way, South Kempsey, is RU2-Rural Landscape. Under the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013, using the land as a highway service centre is prohibited. This matter is to allow this land use on the site, amending the Additional Permitted Uses section of the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013.
The recommendation to Council is to:
- delegate to the General Manager authority to enter the planning agreement, and
- amend the Local Environmental Plan with guidance from the Parliamentary Counsel’s Office for the planning proposal.
In August 2021, Council agreed to submit the planning proposal for gateway determination to permit this land to be used as a highway service centre, and in September 2021 permission was granted. Amending the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013 is the next step in progressing this planning proposal.
Progress of the 2021-22 Delivery Program and Operational Plan
Council will look at the progress and outcomes of the 2021-22 Budget from October to December 2021. The financial sustainability program, key performance indicators report and grant status summary will also be noted.
Review of Committees and Appointment of Delegates
Council has several committees and working groups, which will be reviewed. Council will be asked to decide which Councillors will be appointed to committees and to review these appointments at the September 2022 Council meeting. The appointments exclude the General Manager’s Performance Review Committee, which was covered in the January meeting. Any election to the groups will be determined by open voting.
Council will also discuss dissolving the following committees:
- Economic Development and Tourism Committee
- Gladstone Tennis Club
- Smithtown Hall Committee.
Code of Meeting Practice and Code of Conduct
Council will be asked to review and provide public notice of Council’s draft Code of Meeting Practice and adopt a Code of Conduct. Both are required by the Local Government Act 1993.
Point Plomer Road at Big Hill inclusion in Limeburners Creek National Park
Council is being asked to determine if a section of Council-managed road at Point Plomer should be added to the Limeburners Creek National Park’s management. This section of road does not serve any properties and the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service has serviced this road for many years.
Order of Business considered in open session includes:
8.1. Local Traffic Committee - 7 December 2021
9.1. Kempsey Shire Biodiversity Strategy 2022
9.2. KLEP2013-AM-33 - 600 Macleay Valley Way, South Kempsey
9.3. Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2021-22 - Second Quarter Progress Report
9.4. Review of Committees and Appointment of Delegates
9.5. Code of Meeting Practice
9.6. Code of Conduct
9.7. Point Plomer Road at Big Hill Inclusion into Limeburners Creek National Park
9.8. Quarterly Development Activity Statistics & LEP Variations - Second Quarter - 2021-2022
9.9. Statement of Cash and Investments - January 2022
Speak about items on the agenda
Before each ordinary meeting, Council holds a public forum to hear from members of the community about items on its business agenda. Public forums may also be held before extraordinary Council meetings and Council committee meetings.
Applications to speak at the public forum close at noon on Friday. If you wish to address Council, please see apply to speak at a public forum.