We've got a plan to manage the challenges we face managing waste

Published on 02 February 2023

The three household bins

Like many communities across Australia, Kempsey Shire Council is facing new challenges with our waste management, particularly solid waste.

The Waste Management Strategy 2022 - 2032 will guide Council’s transition from providing an adequate waste management service, to one of leadership and innovation in resource recovery and waste prevention.

Have your say on the draft Waste Management Strategy

Tell us what you think

Council has placed the draft Waste Management Strategy 2022-2032 on public exhibition for a minimum 28 days.
The community is encouraged to provide feedback to let council know whether we've got the plan right or if there is anything missing.

Submissions can be made by one of the following methods:

1. Fill out the short online survey

2. Provide a written response and address it to:

General Manager
Kempsey Shire Council
PO BOX 3078
West Kempsey 2440

Submissions are open until 4pm 28 February 2023.

Find out more about the Waste Management Strategy