Development consent issued for new subdivision in Crescent Head
Published on 21 November 2022
After nearly a year of assessing plans, hearing from residents and engaging state agencies, development consent has been issued for a residential subdivision in Crescent Head for 109 lots.
Kempsey Shire Council and several state agencies have reviewed Development Application DA2100258, which sought to build a residential subdivision in Crescent Head.
During the assessment phase, the NSW Rural Fire Service, NSW Natural Resources Regulator, Essential Energy, Kempsey Local Aboriginal Lands Council and NSW Fisheries supported the application, subject to conditions.
Residents raised concerns about the development’s impact on Crescent Head’s seaside-township character and cherished values. These concerns have been addressed with the developers.
As the land is zoned specifically for residential development, the proposal could not be denied because of concerns about urban growth, population increase and strain on public infrastructure. The additional 109 homes in Crescent Head will ease pressure with new facilities and infrastructure to balance this increase.
Council is satisfied that the proposal is compliant with all of the applicable standards and controls and has issued a development consent for the proposal, with conditions.
The conditions require appropriate infrastructure to be provided by the developer at their cost, including expanding and upgrading water and sewer services, the construction of roads and roundabout, the installation of connecting footpaths and cycleways, and electricity and telecommunications utilities.
Additionally, the conditions require the developer to manage environmental impacts such as construction traffic, air quality, noise, biodiversity value and heritage protection.
The developer has expressed their intention to carry out the development in stages. As the design phase is significant and there are several engineering reports required to be submitted and approved by Council, it is not expected that the developer will commence works in 2022.
For more information on the issued development consent please visit the DA Application Register.