SWR Library locations and thumbs up for Verge and Eden St clubhouse
Published on 13 December 2022
At the December Council Meeting on Tuesday, an exciting decision relating to the South West Rocks Library and Community Hub was made when Council agreed to investigate the suitability of two private land sites and the existing Landsborough Street site for construction.
Another important decision was granting development consent to construct a sports pavilion in the Verge and Eden Street Sporting Complex.
Councillors also agreed to adopt two new strategies. This includes a new Community Engagement Strategy and Community Participation Plan to strengthen collaborative decision-making between Council and the community. The second strategy adopted was the new Signage Strategy and Policy, which will see new signs will be placed around the Kempsey Shire to improve directions and information to and from attractions.
For a full outline of the meeting, discussion points and attachments complementing the reports, please refer to the Agenda and Business Papers page.
A new strategy in place to bolster community engagement
Councillors discussed the draft Community Engagement Strategy and Community Participation Plan presented for adoption.
The document outlines how Council as an organisation engages with the community to make decisions for the Kempsey Shire.
The draft documents have been developed with the community who had the opportunity to comment on and suggest changes during the public exhibition phase between 27 October and 24 November. One in four responses during the public exhibition phase endorsed the draft document.
Councillors adopted a new Community Engagement Strategy and noted the Community Participation Plan with the undertaking to insert text about the role of Council meetings in engagement as proposed at the Public Forum.
Investigating more options for the SWR Library
Council received two suitable expressions of interest from private landholders for the new South West Rocks Library and Community Hub, being:
- 28 Orara Street
- Corner Belle O'Connor Street and Athena Parade
Councillors discussed these two options as well as the existing South West Rocks Library site at 18-22 Landsborough Street.
A high-level feasibility study incorporating a whole of life cost assessment for the short-listed project sites will be undertaken before a report is presented to Council to decide the next steps.
New Verge and Eden Street clubhouse
Development consent has been issued for a new multi-purpose sporting pavilion at the Verge and Eden Street Sporting Complex based on an independent assessment from a consultant planner.
Part of the master plan for the sporting fields, the new building with not only serve as a modern, well-equipped clubhouse for local sporting clubs but will also help to bring a higher level of sporting events and matches to the Macleay Valley.
This development represents a successful community use of a flood-prone area. There has been significant design and flood assessment undertaken to ensure that the development is resistant to flood impacts and will also have minimal impact on the flooding of surrounding areas.
New signs to lead the way
Residents and visitors can look forward to fresh signage and better wayfinding through the Kempsey Shire as Councillors agreed to adopt a new Signage Strategy and Policy.
These documents will improve directions, enhance visitor experience, acknowledge and celebrate traditional owners and develop visual amenity of the shire.
Council engaged with stakeholders and the community through the development of the documents. Comments received during the exhibition period were reviewed and where appropriate, amendments to the documents were made.
Sale of unused land in Temagog
Councillors discussed the disposal of a plot of land that was originally used for the Temagog Rural Fire Service Brigade Station. At the moment, there is an unused shed on the land.
Council received in writing from the NSW Rural Fire Service that the land is no longer needed. Council staff has confirmed that there are no current and future operational requirements for the land.
Councillors voted to defer this decision to seek community feedback on whether the Temagog community could use this land, rather than selling to a private landholder.
Report from the Bush Fire Management Committee
A report from the Bush Fire Management Committee was noted by Councillors.
Cultural burning has been rolled out across the region, which in a nutshell is burning more regularly but with less intensity, to reduce bush fire activity and increase biodiversity.
In relation to the upcoming bush fire season, there is regular potential for fire activity with high fuel and high moisture soil content. Above median rainfall is likely and access to fires will be challenging with operational units made aware of the potential to get bogged.
Rescheduling the February 2023 Meeting
The February 2023 Council Meeting was rescheduled to 14 February 2023 due to the Country Mayors Association event planned for 21 February.
Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro Energy Storage project updates
Councillors will accept the offer from the Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro Energy Storage project team to receive updates on its progress in a timely manner. Kempsey Shire Council and Armidale Regional Council will regularly engage with one another regarding the project.
Councillors agreed to acknowledge the information presented by Oven Mountain Pumped Hydro Energy and the concerns that the Dunghutti and Thunggutti people have expressed in public meetings about the project.
Other items
The following items were passed by exception:
9.2. Local Traffic Committee
10.4. Council Aquatic Facilities Update
10.7. Toose Road Landslip - Impacted Landowner Supports
10.8. Sale of land for unpaid rates - update
10.9. MNCJO Update
10.10. Code of Conduct Complaint Statistics
10.11. Statement of Cash and Investments - November 2022
12.2. Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee Meeting Minutes - 26 October 2022
12.3. Tender for the Design and Construction of 3 Bridges - TQE22/19
Watch the Council Meeting