Council meeting on Tuesday

Published on 24 June 2021


Council to consider off-leash areas and annual plans on Tuesday

The final Ordinary Council meeting of this financial year, and the third last meeting of this term of Council will be held in Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 29 June.

Among the agenda items for consideration by Council are two major projects.

The Integrated Planning and Reporting Suite for 2021-22 will be brought back to Council after a period on exhibition. This includes the Operational Plan for 2021-22 and the Delivery Program for this term of Council. These documents are the equivalent of Council’s annual Budget statement, outlining the planned works for the coming financial year.

In related matters, Council will also consider the rates and annual charges for the coming year as well as the Mayoral and Councillor Fees.

At the meeting, Council will also consider a report on Dog Walking Access and Signage Review, which is the culmination of a major engagement project around off-leash dog spaces in the shire. This report focuses largely on the beach areas with off-leash dog access. The Council Report Maps highlighting the proposed changes can be found here.

Information about the Council meeting including the agenda and business papers can be found here.

Before each ordinary meeting, Council holds a public forum to hear from members of the community about items on its business agenda. Public forums may also be held before extraordinary Council meetings and Council committee meetings.

Applications to speak at the Public Forum close at noon on Friday.  If you wish to address Council, go can apply to speak at a public forum.

If you would like to stay informed about Council’s ‘Caring for Our Pets and Animals’ project, please go to this page.