New sports pavilion for Verge and Eden Street

Published on 08 December 2022

An artist’s of the multi-purpose sports pavilion for verge and eden street

Strengthening collaborative decision-making between Council and the community, a new clubhouse and function centre for Verge and Eden Street and shire-wide signage refresh are just some items Councillors will discuss in December.

The next Ordinary Council meeting will be held in Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 13 December.

You can view the December Agenda and attachments at Council meeting agendas & minutes

The meeting will be live-streamed via Council's YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website.

Will this strategy help us hear you?

Council staff have been working on a new and improved Community Engagement Strategy and Community Participation Plan to give residents a meaningful voice in Council’s decision-making processes.

The draft documents were placed on exhibition for public comments from 27 October to 24 November with one in four responses endorsing the Community Engagement Strategy and Community Participation Plan.

The documents were amended to reflect constructive comments by residents.

Now Councillors will decide whether to adopt the Community Engagement Strategy for the Kempsey Shire.

Is there privately owned land suitable for the SWR library?

Council recently asked for non-binding expressions of interest from private landholders who owned land suitable for the new South West Rocks Library and Community Hub.

Two applications received are suitable, being:

  • 28 Orara Street
  • Corner Belle O'Connor Street and Athena Parade

Councillors will discuss these two options as well as the existing South West Rocks Library site and decide whether Council should undertake further discussions and investigations.

Make way for new sports pavilion in Verge and Eden Street Sporting Complex

Councillors will determine whether to deliver development consent with conditions, to a multi-purpose sports pavilion in Kempsey’s CBD.

The attachments include a flood risk and impact assessment report for the development on sports fields in Kempsey’s CBD including Verge and Eden Street Sporting Complex and Services Club Park.

As the Verge and Eden Streets sports pavilion is in the CBD’s floodway, investigations and redesigns are being presented to Council for determination.

New signs and better directions shire-wide

Council staff with consultants have developed a new Signage Strategy and Policy for the Kempsey Shire.

The aim of the policy is to improve directions, enhance visitor experience, acknowledge and celebrate traditional owners and develop visual amenity of the shire.

Council engaged with stakeholders and the community through the development of the draft documents. Comments received during the exhibition period were reviewed and where appropriate, amendments to the documents were made.

Councillors will now decide whether to adopt the new Signage Strategy and Policy.

Order of Business considered in open session

10.1 Community Engagement Strategy and Community Participation Plan

10.2 South West Rocks Library Site Selection - Outcome of EOI Process

10.3 Multi-Purpose Sporting Pavillion - Austral Street, Kempsey (DA2100191)

10.4 Council Aquatic Facilities Update

10.5 Signage Strategy & Policy

10.6 Disposal of Surplus Council Land - Old Temagog RFS Site - Lot 122 DP842025

10.7 Toose Road Landslip - Impacted Landowner Supports

10.8 Sale of land for unpaid rates - update

10.9 MNCJO Update

10.10 Code of Conduct Complaint Statistics

10.11 Statement of Cash and Investments - November 2022