New citizens greeted at the final meeting of this Council
Published on 22 November 2021
The final Ordinary Meeting for this term of Kempsey Shire Council was held on Tuesday 16 November.
The highlight of the meeting came as Kempsey Shire Council Mayor Liz Campbell and federal member for Cowper the Hon. Pat Conaghan MP welcomed nine individuals as Citizens of Australia.
This was the first citizenship ceremony to be held in the Shire outside of Australia Day due to the restrictions of COVID-19 and it was a very special moment for all involved.
In addition to the ceremony, Council considered a number of significant issues.
South West Rocks planning proposal
Council accepted the Northern Regional Planning Panel’s invitation to be the Planning Proposal Authority over the proposal to rezone part of Lot 35 DP1214499 South West Rocks from rural landscape to general residential.
The significant proposal includes changes to the lot size and height of buildings. While Council is restricted from making major decisions this close to the election, the window of opportunity required this decision to be made which constitutes only a step on the path for the application.
Council emphasised that they were not approving the application, merely ensuring their involvement in the state government decision process.
End of Term report
An End of Term report was tabled summarising key achievements over the last five years under the leadership of the outgoing Council.
The General Manager and Councillors highlighted the response Council made to the drought, bushfires, COVID-19 and the recent flood events. The cultural transformation of the organisation was also noted as having had significant impact.
2042: Your future
The Community Strategic Plan 2042: Your future is being prepared by Council, capturing the community’s long-term aspirations and priorities for shaping the future as determined through extensive engagement across the last few years.
The draft document will be placed on exhibition for 10 weeks from 6 December with further engagement to come.
Dog walking in Crescent Head
Council noted the advocacy undertaken to enhance dog walking in Crescent Head but that the NSW Government has unfortunately indicated there would be no change.
Council agreed to continue working with the Crescent Head Dog Walkers Group to encourage change by the relevant authorities.
For the full recap on the November Council Meeting, head to November 21 Council meeting wrap