Council goes to the dogs in August
Published on 01 August 2023
The magnificent mutts of the Macleay can rejoice this August as they take centre stage in a new campaign to celebrate volunteers, spread the word on strays and help the whole community to live their best pet life.
As rates notices arrive in mailboxes residents will spot the Barking Up The Right Tree brochure contained within. Kempsey Shire Council have produced this brochure to share key information on dog ownership in the shire and it is just the tip of the tail.
Giles Hardie, Kempsey Shire Council Manager Communications and Engagement, says the month will combine fun and facts to help all pets.
“The Macleay is a huge dog-loving community so we wanted to recognise our furry friends,” said Mr Hardie.
“Unfortunately we have some issues with stray animals and of course those pets in the pound, and we will be getting key information out on these topics. At the same time we will also be celebrating the amazing work done by the Friends of Kempsey Pound and also the many great rescue pet stories. And we haven’t forgotten our feline friends – every Saturday in August is Cat-urday.”
Across the month of August Kempsey dog owners will be challenged to Take The Lead. Every owner will be invited to take a pledge to be a leader to their dog by checking their pet registration details are up to date and signing up for a FREE 5-week online dog training program. Supported through grant funding, the first 150 residents will receive vouchers for a pet tag and a choice of lead. Plus there will be one off prizes each week.
Additionally every week Council will be promoting a key message. First off is the work of the Friends of Kempsey Pound volunteers who have helped Kempsey deliver a ‘no-kill’ pound and save the lives of hundreds of pets every year.
For information on Macleay Valley Pawgust and to pledge to Take the Lead, head to