Kempsey, get disaster ready in five
Published on 23 January 2023
Recent years have demonstrated that natural disasters are coming differently, more frequently, and at unexpected times.
Our emergency service organisations do an incredible job of keeping us safe, but they can only do so much.
Staying safe is in our own hands and there’s a lot of information and help available to make it easy.
Acting Manager Community Development Paul Koch says we each have an important role in staying safe and is asking each of us to take the time to get ready for a disaster when things are calm.
“Getting yourself, your loved ones and your property prepared when there is no disaster or emergency about to happen is a good idea,” Mr Koch said.
“There’s a lot of information available to help you get ready like downloading apps from our emergency agencies, following steps to prepare your property and making your bushfire plan.”
“Essentially we’ve just got to get this done when things are calm and when time is on our side so that we’re ready when a natural disaster strikes and things start to get hectic.”
It’s also important to make sure you have the conversation with your family or loved ones.
There are 5 emergency apps to download to your smartphone, 5 simple steps to follow for any disaster and 5 steps to help you prepare your Bushfire Survival Plan and all can be found on Council’s website
Download them today after reading this, when things are calm, so you’ll be ready if or when you need it. They could be life saving for you and those you care for.
In your incoming rates notice, you’ll find a flyer with great information on how you can get your home, business and animals ready for the unexpected.
Chatterbox coming to a town near you
Council’s Chatterbox Van will hit the road helping residents with all things disaster preparedness. Keep an eye on our website for dates, or if you see the van at markets or in your area, stop by and say hi.
It’s hard to miss.