Give us your feedback on our draft engagement strategy

Published on 27 October 2022


Do you feel you are at the centre of Kempsey Shire Council's decision-making process?

Residents, businesses and community groups are invited to provide feedback on Council's draft Community Engagement Strategy and Community Participation Plan, currently on exhibition. 

Better decisions are made with quality information and when various points of view can be heard. The community is one of the best sources of information. 

Because our shire values the opportunity to participate in Council decision-making we're reviewing our community engagement practices to let you and everyone in the community engage.

Answer 3 questions to have your say

We have three things we would love to know from you about the new strategy and the associated Community Participation Plan.

Take our quick online survey to help us make sure this strategy is getting it right. Alternatively, you can make a formal submission about any aspect of the draft strategy.

Go to Your Say Macleay for the survey and for more information. Submissions are open until 4pm Thursday 24 November 2022.

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