Holiday Parks and Crown Land

Published on 08 March 2021


Kempsey Shire Council’s next ordinary meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 March at 9am in the council chambers in West Kempsey.

There are five meetings left for this term of Council before the September elections which means some major projects from this period are coming to key points. The agenda and business papers will be available for viewing on Council’s website this week.

Two such projects are agenda items at the March meeting: the proposed concept development plans for the Macleay Valley Coast Holiday Parks and the Plans of Management for Council Managed Community Crown Lands.

Holiday Parks

The concept plans provide a staged approach to increase the mix of accommodation offerings whilst upgrading the communal park infrastructure. They also contain a strategy for managing Annual Licences.

Our Holiday Parks are a major tourism accommodation provider within the Shire, it is critical to ensure that these parks are designed, managed, maintained and improved to the appropriate standard and expectation.

Revenue generated by the parks provides an important funding source to improve all crown reserves under Council’s management, which would otherwise have to be funded by the general ratepayer. 

Council will choose the path forward for our Holiday Parks at this meeting.

Crown Lands

Council has developed Plans of Management for Council Managed Community Crown Lands to be submitted to the state government by 30 June 2021.

The draft Plans of Management will be discussed at this meeting.

Residents can have a say on issues or projects being discussed at a Council meeting via a public forum which is held at 4:30pm on the Monday before the meeting. You can apply to speak to an agenda item by submitting an application to Council by midday Friday 12 March.

Applications to speak on matters not on the Council meeting agenda will not be accepted. If there are no applications then the public forum will be cancelled.

To apply to speak go to:



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