Have your say... on how you have your say!

Published on 31 October 2022

Community members workshopping with Council Staff

Residents are being asked to tell Council how they would like to contribute on decisions made in the Kempsey Shire.

As our community evolves so too does the way in which Kempsey Shire Council engages with residents. To make sure Council keeps residents at the centre of the decision-making process, a new Community Engagement Strategy is on public exhibition ready for feedback.

Giles Hardie, Coordinator Communications and Engagement at Kempsey Shire Council said residents are key to achieving the best community outcomes.

“Empowering residents to contribute to decisions is an important process at Council as the community is one of the best sources of information,” said Mr Hardie.

“The role of the Community Engagement Strategy is to provide clear directions and ways that the community can voice their opinions to Council in a respectful and correct approach.”

Included in the draft strategy is a draft Community Participation Plan. The aim of this document is to be an easy-to-use guide for residents to know when and how they can participate in decisions. 

“This document explains how the commitments outlined in the overarching strategy will be delivered.”

“We’d really like to see residents get involved with the future of engagement between Council and the community by viewing the draft documents and taking a quick three-question survey or making a formal submission.”

To complete the survey, please head to Have your say on the draft Community Engagement Strategy 

If you’re a resident of Hat Head, come catch-up

Residents are the lifeblood of all communities and Hat Head is a natural paradise that locals and Council want to maintain.

The next Hat Head Community Catch-up is scheduled for Thursday 17 November.

When Council met with Hat Head residents in 2019, there were around 40 participants attending and it would be fantastic to see these people and more come to the next one.

Submit your questions and RSVP at Hat Head Community Catch-up