We’re engaged! Kempsey commits to community decision-making
Published on 20 December 2022
Kempsey Shire Council has taken a big step towards authentic community engagement in Council’s decision-making, and now they are asking the community to join in.
A revised Community Engagement Strategy was adopted at the December ordinary meeting of Council along with a new document, the Community Participation Plan.
Kempsey Shire Council Director Corporate and Commercial, Stephen Mitchell, said the documents deliver on Council’s aim to engage early and broadly.
“Councillors and Council staff are all deeply committed to authentic community engagement in public decision-making to ensure we have good choices for the community made by the community.
“We’ve looked closely at the stages of Council decision making and we want to focus more on seeking and building on community feedback earlier in project development. The new documents also provide greater clarity around the development process and the engagement we conduct,” said Mr Mitchell.
The new engagement methodology comes on the back of a strong year of improved community engagement by Council, that included a revamp of the engagement website Your Say Macleay and the engagement newsletter.
Council’s Engagement website, Your Say Macleay received over 16,000 visits and more than 10,000 people spent time online checking out information about various projects.
Manager Communications and Engagement, Giles Hardie, said the community had demonstrated a passionate enthusiasm for engaging in the work of Council.
“Thank you to everyone who took the time to engage with us in 2022, we look forward to hearing from you and enhancing our engagement practices in 2023,” said Mr Hardie.
“This year, our most popular projects focused on planning for growth in South West Rocks, our new 20-year vision and the overall plan of the current term of Council.”
“Early in 2023, we will be going out to the community to ask about priorities for the coming financial year, new plans for growth management and a new waste strategy. We hope that the community will find it even easier to be involved now and that they will see the impact of their input on our decision-making.”
In 2020, an independent survey of our community highlighted “Council decision-making reflecting community opinion” and the “opportunity to participate in Council decision-making” as two key priorities.
This new engagement roadmap was developed through a comprehensive stakeholder and community engagement process. Responses were largely positive with three in every four people endorsing the Community Engagement Strategy for adoption.
Council’s engagement methodology will empower the community as envisaged in the Community Strategic Plan 2042: Your Future and its vision of giving the community “the opportunities and infrastructure to build a safe, sustainable and welcoming community.”
To view the strategy and for more information go to Council’s engagement website, Your Say Macleay www.yoursay.macleay.nsw.gov.au