Check your garden for weeds this holiday season

Published on 19 December 2022

a man holding a sign

The war on weeds in the Kempsey Shire needs all hands on deck to keep fighting the good fight.

Stuart Mackay, Weeds Officer at Kempsey Shire Council said great progress is being made to stop the spread of weeds.

“This year we’ve seen some incredible before and after garden transformations,” said Mr Mackay.

“This comes as a result of landholders notifying Council staff of suspected weeds in their area. “

Many species of weeds including Tropical Soda Apple, Green Cestrum and Mother of Millions are highly toxic and very dangerous to humans and animals.

“By checking your garden for some sneaky, pretty nasties, you can literally save your pets, kids and the environment.”

These species spread rapidly and as a result are found in all regions of NSW.

It is a requirement of compliance with the Australian Government’s Biosecurity Act regarding High Priority Species that these species be controlled and removed from property.

“If you need a break these holidays, take a stroll around the garden and save a life by checking for weeds.”

“If you spot any weeds of concern about or unsure of, get in touch with Council staff, we’ll let you know how to successfully remove the dangerous weeds and help prevent the spread.”

For more information go to

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