Build business confidence for government tender opportunities

Published on 03 February 2022

Selling to the NSW Government

Did you know the NSW Government spends around $40 billion each year on procurement?

Selling goods and services to the state or local government is a great opportunity small businesses to grow. However, navigating the procurement process can be challenging. 

The NSW Small Business Commission is holding several Selling to the NSW Government workshops in February and March, in partnership with TAFE NSW. These are free online workshops for small businesses looking to upskill and learn about tendering for NSW Government work. 

Details for workshops:

Friday 18 February 2022, 9am - 11am

Thursday 24th February 2022, 6pm - 8pm

Wednesday 9th March 2022, 9am - 11am

Wednesday 23rd March 2022, 6pm - 8pm 

For more information, head to Selling to the NSW Government

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