Brand new toilets for Smithtown’s Nestle Park

Published on 02 February 2022

The ageing toilet block in nestle park

It’s out with the old and in with the new for Smithtown’s Nestle Park public toilets with work starting on Monday to replace the ageing toilet block.

Kempsey Shire Council has received funding from the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund to demolish and replace the existing toilet block at Nestle Park which will see inclusive and modern amenities delivered to the park.

Kempsey Shire Council Manager Commercial Business, Gayleen Burley, said the necessity to upgrade Nestle Park’s amenities was identified by the community during Council’s Community Catch-ups.

“The Smithtown community told us the toilet block needed to be rebuilt and made more family friendly and inviting, due to its age and recent bouts of vandalism,” said Ms Burley.

“The new facility will be accessible and inclusive, encouraging residents to use the surrounding public space to enjoy a family outing, have a picnic and take the kids to play in the park by the banks of the Macleay River.”

Councils received a $202,150 grant from the government which has enabled the works to go ahead.

“It is great to have the state government backing Council to deliver this much-needed upgrade for Nestle Park because it means that residents, sports users and recreational visitors can comfortably enjoy this growing community park,” said Ms Burley.

Demolition works on the existing toilets are scheduled to begin on Monday 7 February with the disconnection of the building’s utilities. It is expected that the work will be completed in May.

For more information, head to Smithtown Nestle Park amenities replacement

An architects drawing for the Nestle Park amenities replacement

An architect drawing of the new amenities

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