Kempsey's future and special rate variation to be considered in April

Published on 20 April 2022


The next Ordinary Council meeting will be held in Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 26 April.

The meeting will be live streamed via Council's YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website.

For a full outline of the meeting and the discussion points, please refer to the Agenda and Business Papers.

Some of the significant items on the agenda include:

2042: Your future

Council has drafted a Community Strategic Plan titled 2042: Your Future, which outlines the community’s aspirations and vision for the Kempsey Shire in 20 years time.

The draft document has been reviewed and updated using submissions made by community as well as taking advice and direction from governing bodies to improve accessibility and legislative compliance.

This document has been prepared over the last two years bringing together the priorities, strengths and expectations identified through a range of community engagement activities.

Council is being asked to endorse the proposed Community Strategic Plan, noting the proposed changes and wide community engagement undertaken to inform the plan. It is the Community Strategic Plan that guides the Integrated Planning and Reporting suite of documents.

Integrated Planning and Reporting suite

Council is required to adopt a new suite of Integrated Planning and Reporting documents by 30 June 2022.

The framework recognises that most community share similar aspirations, but the difference is how each community responds to these needs. Having these suite of documents helps councils to have an integrated process to draw all plans together and budget holistically to achieve multiple community benefits.

The components of the suite include but are not limited to:

  • Community Strategic Plan
  • Resourcing Strategy
  • Delivery Program
  • Operational Plan
  • Annual Report

You can read summaries of these documents in the April 2022 business papers

Councillors are being asked to allow the draft suite of documents to be placed on public exhibition for community feedback before the final documents are adopted at the June 2022 Council Meeting.

Special Rate Variation for 2022-23 financial year

Council is being asked to consider increasing the rate peg to 2% for the 2022-23 financial year to help reduce operating deficits in the 2022-23 budget as well as in the Long Term Financial Plan. A rate peg is the maximum percentage amount that a council can increase its rates per year.

If the motion is successful, Council will apply for a special rate variation to the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal. Any special rate variation will see an average increase of less than $20 per annum, per ratepayer.

1022 Crescent Head Road planning proposal

A planning proposal to divide a lot of land into two on Crescent Head Road has been lodged and is also asking for Council to amend the Kempsey Local Environmental Plan 2013 Lot Size Map. 

Council is being asked to forward the planning proposal to the Minister for Planning for gateway determination, which will then decide if the proposal can proceed. If gateway determination is given, Council will then plan community engagement on the proposal.

While the applicant’s intended outcome for this proposal is to allow the division of a single lot of land into two to occur in the future, they will still need to lodged development applications to proceed further.

Order of Business considered in open session includes:

9.1 Community Strategic Plan - Engagement Summary and New Plan

9.2 Integrated Planning and Reporting 2022-2026

9.3 Additional Special Variation 2022-23

9.4 Planning Proposal PP-2021-7144 – 1022 Crescent Head Road, Crescent Head

9.5 KLEP2013 - Employment Zones Reforms

9.6 Write Off Outstanding Debtors

9.7 Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee Members

9.8 Code of Meeting Practice

9.9 Disclosure of Interest Returns

9.10 Quarterly Development Activity Statistics & LEP Variations - 3rd Quarter - 2021-2022

9.11 Statement of Cash and Investments - March 2022

Speak about items on the agenda

Before each ordinary meeting, Council holds a public forum to hear from members of the community about items on its business agenda. Public forums may also be held before extraordinary Council meetings and Council committee meetings.

Applications to speak at the public forum close at noon on Friday.  If you wish to address Council, please see apply to speak at a public forum.