Community engagement and draft Flood Policy on this month's agenda
Published on 12 March 2025
At the March Council meeting, Councillors will discuss the draft Community and Engagement Strategy, the draft Flood Policy, three potential grant applications for the Disaster Ready Fund, as well as a proposal to form a First Nations Council Advisory Group, among other items listed below.
Order of Business to be considered in open session
9.1. Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes - 25 February 2025
9.2. Australia Day Awards and Citizenship Ceremony 2025
10.1. Community Strategic Plan 2045: Your Future and Community Engagement and Participation Strategy
10.2. Draft Flood Policy
10.3. Planning Proposal - Macleay Valley Way
10.4. Disaster Ready Fund Round 3 - Proposed Projects for Grant Application
10.5. Statement of Cash and Investments - February 2025
11.1. Delegates Report - Bush Fire Management Committee
11.2. Notice of Motion - Dunghutti-Thunghutti Advisory Group
12.1. Legal Matters
12.2. Tender Evaluation for the Aquatic Engineering and Design Services TQE24/47
12.3. Management Lease and Operation of Kempsey and South West Rocks Swimming Pool/s TQE 24/56
12.4. Affordable Housing Project
You can register to speak to Councillors at the Public Forum on Monday 18 March. The meeting is only held if there are registered speakers.
The Ordinary Meeting will be held at the Kempsey Shire Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 18 March.
You can view the full March 2025 agenda and business papers at Council meeting agendas & minutes.
The meeting will be live-streamed via Council's YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website.
A refreshed Community Strategic Plan
The existing Community Strategic Plan, adopted by Council in 2022, has been refreshed for the new term of Council, with an added focus on young people and safer communities. Reflecting the opinions, values and aspirations of our community, the plan is an important part of our Integrated Planning and Reporting suite of documents which help council plan and make decisions over the next four-year term.
Using the extensive community engagement done to prepare for the original Plan in 2021 and 2022, council staff did a series of engagement activities in October 2024 to check in with the community and Councillors to understand what their priorities were, and if they still aligned with what people had said was important to them in the previous conversations.
Mostly, people still want the same things, with changes made to the Plan reflecting our strong and ongoing commitment to financial sustainability, plus a renewed focus on investing in our young people, safer communities, supporting the local economy, protecting our environment, and prioritising quality engagement with the community.
Councillors will be asked to approve the public exhibition of the Plan, where it will be available for 28 days for interested parties to read and provide feedback on our Your Say Macleay page.
Draft Flood Policy
A new Flood Policy will be put before Council at the March meeting, providing a comprehensive framework for assessing and managing development on flood-prone lands, making sure that new developments are resilient against floods and impacts of climate change. The Policy integrates local flood studies and best practices to enhance safety, minimise risk, and promote sustainable development.
Councillors will be asked to endorse the draft Flood Policy to be exhibited for 28 days, allowing community input to be incorporated into the final draft of the policy.
Three proposed projects for the Disaster Ready Fund
Councillors are being asked to consider three proposals potentially suitable for grant funding for the upcoming Round 3 of the Disaster Ready Fund, including:
1. Integrated Climate Change Preparedness Strategy for better preparedness and resilience to climate change.
2. Shingle Causeway Program: installation of concrete causeways or minor bridges over creeks that do not have a constructed crossing.
3. Significant Cuttings Program: identification of road cuttings that are vulnerable to upslope and downslope failures during flood events, and design upgrades to improve the flow of stormwater and protect areas that receive concentrated flows that typically lead to scour.
Proposal to form a Dunghutti-Thunghutti Advisory Group
Councillor Lawrence and Councillor Wyatt have proposed that Council establish a First Nations Advisory Group. The intent of the group would be to provide advice and raise awareness on matters relating to First Nations communities in the Kempsey Shire Council, increase cultural knowledge and respect between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal communities, support the delivery of NAIDOC Week and Reconciliation Week activities, and provide input and share knowledge on social matters such as youth crime, housing and education.
Formation of a First Nations Advisory Group is considered to be an important step in the reconciliation process and a recognition of the enduring connection and deep cultural ties of the Dunghutti/Thunghutti people to the Macleay Valley country.
More information
You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers.
You can view the meeting on Council's YouTube page.