February meeting to discuss financial sustainability
Published on 13 February 2025
The upcoming February Council meeting has a packed agenda, with Councillors being asked to endorse the IPART approved rate rise of 15% ahead of the official decision in June. Also on the agenda is the Corporate Performance Report, revised grants policy, regional collaboration for waste processing, and a Notice of Motion concerning the Community Justice Centre.
You can register to speak to Councillors at the Public Forum on Monday 17 February. The meeting is only held if there are registered speakers.
The Ordinary Meeting will be held at the Kempsey Shire Council Chambers from 9am on Tuesday 18 February.
You can view the full February 2025 agenda and business papers at Council meeting agendas & minutes.
The meeting will be live-streamed via Council's YouTube page and on the Kempsey Shire Council website.
Providing budget certainty for financial planning
Financial sustainability and the ability to plan effectively will be top of mind for Councillors at the February meeting, who will be asked to endorse the second instalment of the IPART approved rate rise of 15%, ahead of the official decision in June 2025.
Council staff are preparing key planning documents to align with the beginning of the new Council term, including the Operational Plan, Delivery Program and the Long Term Financial Plan, all of which need budget certainty. If the financial assumptions used to prepare these planning documents were to change, then the documents will also need to be reworked.
In addition, should Council decide not to increase rates, they will need to provide direction on how to offset approximately $4m in lower rates income. Options for such an offset would include reduced service levels for some Council services to our community.
IPART has approved the rate rise, taking into consideration the impact on ratepayers, the benefits of providing council with financial stability, and that there is a hardship policy in place to assist ratepayers who are having difficulty in paying their rates.
Revised best practice grants policy
Grant funding from State and Federal Governments are an essential income stream for local government, allowing them to undertake projects without overburdening ratepayers. However there are also challenges that come along with managing grant funding, including the time and administrative efforts required to apply for and manage grants.
Councillors will be asked to adopt the revised grants policy, to ensure that only grants supporting the provisions of services, programs, and improve infrastructure and assets as identified in the Community Strategic Plan, Delivery Program and Operational Plans will be applied for.
Regional collaboration for waste processing
The Kempsey Shire, Bellingen Shire, Nambucca Valley, and Port Macquarie-Hastings Councils have identified an opportunity for regional collaboration for the management and processing of Food Organics and Garden Organics (green bin waste) and dry recyclables (yellow bin waste).
Currently, Kempsey Shire sends these green and yellow bin waste streams to the Cairncross recycling facility. With this contract coming up for renewal in 2026, the neighbouring councils of Nambucca and Bellingen have agreed to collaborate with Kempsey and Port Macquarie-Hastings Councils on joint processing of these waste streams in a signed Memorandum of Understanding.
Councillors are asked to note and endorse the signing of the draft Memorandum of Understanding, which will allow contractually binding agreements to be developed with each council. A key benefit of collaboration in organics and recycling waste management is that it allows the region to increase the scale of operations, attracting greater opportunities for investment, access to assistance from the EPA, as well as providing opportunities in circular economy activities.
Notice of Motion
Councillor Bain will ask Councillors to support his Notice of Motion to call on the State Government to reverse its decision to close all Community Justice Centres in June 2025. Community Justice Centres has provided free, confidential and impartial mediation services to NSW residents for 40 years, with about 80% of issues being resolved without going to court. Cr Bain recommends as an action that Council supports LGNSW advocacy in this matter by writing a letter to NSW Attorney General Michael Daley.
Order of Business to be considered in open session
10.1. Integrated Planning and Reporting Assumption
10.2. Corporate Performance Report - Quarter 2 2024-25
10.3. Grants Policy
10.4. Modification - Proposed Dwelling - 492 Fishermans Reach Road, Fishermans Reach
10.5. Regional Collaboration for Waste Processing Contracts MoU
10.6. Section 3.22 Mapping Amendment
10.7. Development Activity and LEP Variations - Quarterly Snapshot
10.8. Disclosure of Interest Returns
10.9. Statement of Cash and Investments - December 2024 and January 2025
11.1. Notice of Motion - Community Justice Centres
11.2. Question on Notice - Crown Land Expenditure
12.1. Legal Matters
12.2. Compensation Agreement: Road Realignment - Nurse Kirkpatrick Bridge
More information
You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers.
You can view the meeting on Council's YouTube page.