Horseshoe Bay units removed at last Council meeting of the year

Published on 18 December 2024

December council meeting 2024

In the last meeting of the year, Councillors discussed expanding the membership of the Revenue and Review Taskforce, a new group which will assist Council in identifying cost savings and revenue generating opportunities, the Rocks subdivision at South West Rocks, the Lower Macleay Flood Risk Management Study and Plan, sporting masterplans for South Kempsey and Willawarrin, and the proposed units at the Horseshoe Bay Holiday park.

Revenue and Review Taskforce

Mayor Ring asked Councillors to consider expanding the Revenue and Review Taskforce terms of reference to include three community representatives , rather than one, noting the strength of candidates who had applied. The taskforce purpose is to act in an advisory capacity to the Council and Executive Leadership Team (ELT) regarding opportunities to generate increased revenue, identify business efficiency improvements and consider service levels. The Mayor’s recommendation was carried, allowing the Revenue and Review Taskforce to include the three community members.

The Rocks subdivision at South West Rocks

Councillors were asked to consider a Development Application (DA) for a subdivision proposal from The Rocks development, commonly known as the Rise Development, located on Phillip Drive, South West Rocks.

Council has previously approved Stage 1 of the development, and this application is for the subdivision of the total site, including Stage 1. Development has already begun on that site, including roads, although Stage 2 is currently going through the Land and Environment Court after being refused by the Northern Regional Planning Panel.

Councillors voted to approve the subdivision application.

The DA was publicly exhibited for 28 days in January and February 2024.


Flood Risk Plan  

The adoption of the Flood Risk Management Study and Plan was discussed at the November meeting, and it was decided that a decision on the Plan be deferred until the December meeting to allow Councillors to receive a briefing to help them better understand the implications of the plan, as well as a fact sheet.

The Flood Risk Management Study and Plan identifies and prioritises a series of risk reduction measures, including planning and engineering solutions, with the aim of reducing the impact of flooding events on the Lower Macleay community. The document was created in collaboration with a Flood Risk Reference Group, as well as offering the broader community opportunities to participate.

The key objectives of the Lower Macleay Flood Risk Management Study and Plan include:

  • Developing a risk management strategy to mitigate flooding impacts now and into the future
  • Refining the flood risk reduction scheme using detailed modelling
  • Addressing evacuation constraints and enhancing emergency management capacity
  • Creating a unified model for the area downstream of Kempsey CBD and the Lower Macleay floodplain, extending to the LGA boundary in the south.

Formal adoption of the Lower Macleay Flood Risk Management Study and Plan demonstrates Kempsey Shire Council’s commitment to addressing flood risks, complying with the Floodplain Development Manual, and accessing funding opportunities for risk reduction projects.

Councillors unanimously voted to adopt the Study and Plan.

Sporting Masterplans

Sporting master plans for South Kempsey and Willawarrin came before Council at today's meeting. The importance of a masterplan, is to have a planning document that is used to help consult with the community and site-specific users, look at current trends and opportunities, deliver a site-specific plan for development of the sites within the current context of Council plans and strategies, and to apply for funding.

The draft masterplans were placed on public exhibition for 42 days, ending on Friday 4 October 2024. The master plans refer to Willawarrin Recreation Ground and South Kempsey Park. 

Willawarrin Recreation Ground is a large reserve off Armidale Road, within the village of Willawarrin. It has two main components: a football (soccer) field area and a camp draft (equestrian) arena.

South Kempsey Park is approximately 10Ha in size and includes parklands, a sports oval, tennis courts and community recreation facilities. An existing off-leash dog area is located within the reserve, running parallel to the railway track. This year, South Kempsey Park also became home to a Pump Track and Learn to Ride Course on the southern corner of the block.

The South Kempsey Park and Willawarrin Recreation Ground Masterplans have been developed in direct consultation with the primary user groups and the wider community. These masterplans demonstrate Council's commitment to growing sporting and community infrastructure across the Macleay Valley Shire.

Council voted unanimously to adopt these sporting masterplans.

Horseshoe Bay Holiday Park units

Councillor Coburn put forward a Notice of Motion about the Horsehoe Bay Holiday Park units and amenities block at today's meeting, asking that Council consider not continuing with the approved DA determination for the amenities block and three tourist accommodation units, and that they proceed with replacing the amenities block only. 

The Notice of Motion outlined arguments against building the accommodation units including cost, concerns around blocking the viewscape of the area, change in the historic and laid-back feel of the Holiday Park, and community opposition. 

Arguments against the Notice of Motion discussed at the meeting by Councillors and senior staff included the potential revenue to be generated from the unit investment (which aligned with Council’s focus on financial sustainability. 

Councillors voted 5/4 in support of the motion, meaning that Council will not proceed with the accommodation unit development, but will instead just replace the amenities block.


Business considered in open session

8.1. Revenue and Review Task Force

9.1. Local Traffic Committee Meeting Minutes

10.1. DA2400974 Community Title Subdivision creating 29 Lots

10.2. Adoption - Lower Macleay Flood Risk Management Study and Plan

10.3. Kempsey Development Control Plan 2013 - Chapter E4 - Yarrahapinni Land Release Area

10.4. South Kempsey Park & Willawarrin Recreation Ground Masterplans

10.5. Water & Sewer Policy Updates

10.6. Mid North Coast Joint Organisation Update

10.7. Statement of Cash and Investments - November 2024

11.1. Notice of Motion - Horseshoe Bay Holiday Park Units

11.2. Delegates Report - Bush Fire Management Committee

11.3. Delegates Report - LGNSW Annual Conference

11.4. Delegates Report - Country Mayors Association

12.1. Legal Matters

12.2. Steuart McIntyre Dam Water Treatment Plant Approval of Tender

12.3. Sewer Pump Station Frederickton 1 Land Acquisition

More information

You can read the detailed agenda and reports in the business papers

You can view the meeting on Council's YouTube page