Nominations extended for Australia Day Awards

Published on 04 December 2024


You have until Monday to nominate someone who made a difference to the community in the last year, don't miss out!

Nominations have been extended for the Australia Day Awards until 3pm Monday 9 December

Nominees can be young or old, volunteers or not, as long as they are people who have made a difference to the Macleay in the past year.

Do you know someone, or a group, who made the community stronger, gave back or has been a role model for others?

Do you have 5 minutes to recognise someone who has given so much?

It’s a quick and easy way to make them - and you - feel good.

Each year the tireless efforts and outstanding contributions of Macleay Valley citizens and community groups are recognised at Kempsey Shire Council’s Australia Day Awards ceremony.

It’s the community’s way to recognise our local heroes.

Maybe it's someone who drives the kids to footy practice or delivers meals-on-wheels? Perhaps it's a volunteer with the RFS, the CWA or another community organisation? Or could it be that person who just makes a difference in a bunch of little ways? (Could it even be you?)

Nominate a hero, highlight a great club or dob in an awesome mate at
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